In the middle of this grove, in São Bernardo, Brazil, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL system is installed.


#366 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - September 5, 2024

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL ************************************************************************************ 
#366 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - September 5, 2024  
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São  Bernardo SP) 
Antenna: Magnetic Loop Antenna 
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, (*) Target Area / Remarks. 
=> Brazilian stations: in Portuguese language
(#) Live audio checked  
1560 kHz: Radio Luz del Mundo, La Paz, Spanish, 31/08 0208. Message. 23532 (#).
540 kHz: Rede Aleluia, Goiania GO, 30/08 2202. ‘Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus...’, comments. 25442 (#).

830 kHz: Radio Tropical, Nova Iguaçu RJ, 31/08 0048. Brazilian song, id ‘Radio Tropical’. 24542.
880 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, Porto Alegre RS, 03/09 0135. ‘Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor...’, comments by YL. 23422. QRM Radio Inconfidencia 880 kHz.
1090 kHz: Radio Clube, Marilia SP, 03/09 0020. Brazilian song, id ‘ZYK609 Radio Clube de Marilia...’, jingle ‘Radio Clube’. 34543.

15505 kHz: Radio Ndarason International, via Georgetown, Kannada, 31/08 0719. Songs in African style, comments. 35443. * To Africa.
7550 kHz: Pirate station (Radio Ameixinha??), 04/09 1846. Songs. 25542.
9290 kHz: Pirate station (Radio Araucaria??), 04/09 1916. Songs, time checking by YL. 25332.
5975 kHz: China Radio International, Beijing, Chinese, 31/08 2217. Instrumental music, comments by OM / YL. 25432. * To S Africa.
9645 kHz: China Radio International, via Kunming, French, 04/09 1840. Comments. 35553. * To W Africa.

9940 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Lingala, 04/09 1935. Interval signal, song, id ‘TWR...’. comments about Congo. 35553. * To Democratic Republic of Congo.
11965 kHz: NHK Radio Japan, Yamata, Japanese, 31/08 2108. Comments by OM / YL. 35543. * To SE Asia.
11790 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, Yoruba, 31/08 2055. Comments, instrumental music, sign-off on 2059. 35543. * Tx to Nigeria.
15220 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, Arabic, 31/08 0724. Message. 35543. * To Africa.

17341 kHz USB: SVO Olympia Radio, Athens, 30/08 2032. YL with informations, sign-off on 2035. 35333.
9320 kHz: KTWR, via Merizo, Korean, 04/09 1910. Song, instrumental music, message (?). 25332. * To N Korea.
9845 kHz: World Christian Broadcasting KNLS, via Mahajanga, Russian, 04/09 1927. Instrumental music, talk by OM / YL, id in Russian, Internet link. 25432. * To Russia.
15440 kHz: TWR Asia, via Talata-Volonondry, Urdu, 02/09 1455. Talk, Christian program, sign-off on 1459. 25322. * To S Asia.
11665 kHz: RTM Wai FM, Kajang, Malayalam, 31/08 2209. Romantic song, talk. 35543. * To Malaysia.

9700 kHz: RNZ Pacific, Rangitaiki, English, 42/08 0720. Instrumental music, song, talk by male voice, ‘New Zealand’. 35543. * To Pacific Isl.
15720 kHz: RNZ Pacific, Rangitaiki, English, 31/08 2132. Comments about Australia, economy, instrumental music, mention to New Zealand. 35543. * To Pacific Isl.
9780 kHz: BBC, via Al Seela, Tinang, Tigrynia, 04/09 1922. Comments, phone-in. 35543. * To E Africa.
7465 kHz: Voice of America, via Tinang, Korean, 04/09 1904. Comments, instrumental music. 25332. * To N & S Korea. 

15490 kHz: Vatican Radio, via Tinang, Hindi, 02/09 1433. Interval signal, id, comments. 35333. * To S Asia.
15620 kHz: FEBC Radio, Bocaue, Javanese, 02/09 1425. Instrumental music, comments, interval signal. 35443. * To Indonesia.
15170 kHz DRM: Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, Spanish 31/08 2119. Comments about Romania, song, id. 45554. * To S America.
9880 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, French, French, 04/09 1932. News Bulletin by YL. 35543. * To W Africa.
17770 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Arabic, 02/09 1450. Comments, typical instrumental music. 35543. * To N Africa.

12030 kHz DRM: C.M. Obrecht Radio, via Woofferton, English / German, 31/08 2345. Electronic music, talk in German language (next song identification), 45554. * To S America.
15825 kHz: WWCR 1, Nashville, English, 31/08 2136. Comments. 15441. * To N America.
15320 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Tashkent, Day, 02/09 2210. Comments. song ‘I’d rather have Jesus’ in Day language (?), message. 25442. * To Southern Chad.

5925 kHz: Voice of Vietnam 2, Hanoi, Vietnamese, 31/08 2213. Comments, song in Vietnamese. 15331. * To Vietnam.

73 & good DX, rg     
  “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24 

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Parabéns Grimm pelos excelentes logs deste 5 de setembro.

Saudações ao amigo.

José Ronaldo Xavier

Rudolf Grimm disse...

Valeu!!!!! Obrigado.

Anônimo disse...

Grande abraço Rudolf. Continue publicando.

Rudolf Grimm disse...

Sim, vamos!