In the middle of this grove, in São Bernardo, Brazil, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL system is installed.


Logs: September 5, 2024 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs September 5, 2024
Receiver Tecsun S-2000
Longwire antenna 10m
All times Universal Time
** 11955. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 2011-2020, Adventist World Radio, Moosbrunn-AUT, in Dyula. A Music and man talking; 2014 Man says ID and address to BP 08, Abdijan, Côte d´Ivoire and repeats; 2016 Man singer playing a song. Good reception: 45544.
** 17570. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 1939-1949, Adventist World Radio, Moosbrunn-AUT, in French. Woman preaching; 1943 ID and address to Abdijan, Côte d´Ivoire; 1944 Man presents "Écouter la Bible". Good reception: 45554.
** 11825. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 1951-1959, USAGM-Voice of America, Moepeng Hill-BOT, in Kinyarwanda/Kirundi languages. Man talking; 1954 Other man talking news, presumed; 1958 Woman talking, says ID and more; 2000 Ending. Poor reception: 35322.
** 12040. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 2130-2140, Adventist World Radio, Nauen-D, in Twi language. ID in english, french and spanish, by woman/man announcers; 2131 ID jingle (it seems a new ID: A...W...R... with music bg); Man/woman talking; 2137 A song. Good reception: 45544.
** 6090. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 2021-2030, KBS World Radio, Woofferton-G, in Arabic. Woman talking; Man and woman playing a korean song with a drum, only. Fair reception: 35533.
** 15720. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 2115-2125, RNZ Pacific, Rangitaiki-NZL, in English. Man announcer in conversation with a man; 2121 Woman talking and a conversation with a man, too; 2124 Man says ID and more. Fair reception: 35533.
** 11900. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 2141-2153, USAGM-Voice of America, SM di Galeria-CVA, in Bambara. Man/woman announcers talking news with reporters collaborations; 2150 Woman talking and a conversation with a man. Good reception: 45544.
Parallel log on 15120grv, 45533.
** 11885. Thu, Sep 5, 2024. 2001-2010, The Voice of Vietnam, Sontay-VTN, German Sce. Woman announcer presents news; 2005 ID by man and news continues by woman. Fair reception: 35433.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier, 75)
Cabedelo-Paraíba, Brasil (UTC-3)

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