In the middle of this grove, in São Bernardo, Brazil, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL system is installed.


#365 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - August 28, 2024

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL ************************************************************************************ 
#365 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - August 28, 2024  
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São  Bernardo SP) 
Antenna: Magnetic Loop Antenna 
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, (*) Target Area / Remarks. 
=> Brazilian stations: in Portuguese language
(#) Live audio checked  

820 kHz: Radio Nacional, Formosa, Spanish, 27/08 0225. Comments, id ‘Nacional’. 25422.
900 kHz: Radio Provincia de Corrientes, Corrientes, Spanish, 24/08 0014. Song, id ‘Radio Provincia...’. 24542.
670 kHz: Radio Gazeta, Carazinho RS, 23/08 234422. Comments. 23432 (#).

670 kHz: Radio Montanhesa, Ponte Nova MG, 23/08 2338. Brazilian songs, id ‘Radio Montanhesa’. 33543.
830 kHz: Radio América FM 107.1, Belo Horizonte MG, 24/08 0000. Id ‘ZYN??? Radio América FM, Belo Horizonte, a melhor FM’. QRM Radio Novo tempo, 830 kHz. 32542.
910 kHz: Radio Play Hits, Juiz de Fora MG, 23/08 2301. Id ‘Radio Play Hits, Juiz de Fora...’, Brazilian song. 24542.
950 kHz: Rede Aleluia (ex-Radio Atalaia), Belo Horizonte MG, 23/08 2245. Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) program, id ‘Rede Aleluia, ... família...’. QRM 940 kHz Super Rede Boa Vontade de Radio, Rio de Janeiro. 33533.

1100,1 USB kHz: Radio Difusora dos Inhamuns, Tauá CE (tent.), 24/08 0134. Comment by a low-pitched announcer, with soft music in the background.13421 (#).
LESOTHO (tent.)
639 kHz LSB: A very poor carrier on the kiwiSDR on 27/08 0333, that grew louder after almost an hour, showing a song in an unidentified language in African style. On July 30, 2021 at 0055 UTC I was able to listen to a station on 639 kHz with identical characteristics, through our kiwiSDR (PY2-81502) that I still use very frequently, when I was able to identify it at the time as Radio Lesotho.
This time, the level of the carrier and then the signal only allowed me to hear a song in the mentioned style, at dawn in Lesotho (grey-line?). 15411.
860 kHz: Radio La Voz de La Cordillera, Caacupé, Spanish, 24/08 0003. Song, id ‘Radio La Voz de la Cordillera...’. 25422.

970 kHz: Radio Universo, Asunción, Sanish, 26/08 2235. Comments, mention to ‘Lambaré...’, a neighborhood in the Asunción region. Male voice on phone-in. 35543.
810 kHz: Radio El Espectador, Montevideo, Spanish, 23/08 2355. Comments, advs, ‘El Espectador’. 23532.
17725 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Moosbrunn, Urdu, 26/08 1406. Christian program, message. 25442. * To Pakistan.
9290 kHz: Pirate station (announced as Radio Araucaria), 23/08 1915. Songs, time checking, no id. 25222. * To S Brazil.

9400 kHz: The Overcomer Ministry, via Kostinbrod, English, 23/08 1930. Religious program, message. 15321. * To Middle East.
7410 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Portuguese, 27/08 1932. Christian program, song, message, (program produced by Radio Trans Mundial, São Paulo, Brazil). 35443. * To Angola.
6110 kHz: Radio Fana (tent.), Addis Abbeba, French, 23/08 2042. Comments by male voice. 15321. * To NE Africa.
9555 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, French, 23/08 2025. Christian program, song, contact address, is, instrumental music ‘Just as I am’, sign-off on 2029. 35553. * To C Africa.
9320 kHz: KTWR, Merizo, Korean, 23/08 1920. Christian program, message. 35433. * To North & South Korea.

9370 kHz: Radio Farda, via Kuwait, Persian, 23/08 1925. Comments, song in a typical style. 25222. * To Iran.
5995 kHz: Radio Mali, Bamako, French, 23/08 2036. Comments by male voice. 35553. * To Africa.
17745 kHz: BBC, via Al-Dhabbyia, Somali, 26/08 1410. Comments, ‘BBC’. 35333. * To E Africa.
17790 kHz: WRMI Radio Africa, via Okeechobee, English, 26/08 2026. Comments by male / female voices. 35443. * To Americas.

11570 kHz: North Korea Reform Radio, via Tashkent, Korean, 28/08 2035. Comments by OM / YL. 25442. * To North Korea.
4965 kHz: Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, English, 23/08 2032. Christian program, message. 25332. * To South Africa.

73 & good DX, rg     
Matthew 11:28 - Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Boa Noite, Grimm.
Mais um dia de excelentes escutas de sua lavra.
Parabéns ao estimado colega.

Saúde e Paz,

José Ronaldo

PS: Amanhã, tentarei enviar algumas escutas pra você.

Stanger disse...

Parabéns amigo. Essa emissora de Leshoto é algo incrível. 73´s

Rudolf Grimm disse...

Stanger, a vantagem de se usar receptores SDRs é que estes nos 'mostram' a presença de portadoras que acabam progredindo e nos dão oportunidade de explorá-las até trazerem indicações de audios.
José Ronaldo, é uma técnica de um cão perdigueiro essa de perseguir possíveis conteúdos de portadoras. É verificar sua presença, aguardar e aguardar. Na maioria das vezes o audio acaba subindo nem que seja por 10 segundos. Sem persistencia, o resultado é difícil.