In the middle of this grove, in São Bernardo, Brazil, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL system is installed.


#364 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - August 22, 2024

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL  ************************************************************************************ 
#364 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - August 22, 2024  
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São  Bernardo SP) 
Antenna: Magnetic Loop Antenna 
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, (*) Target Area / Remarks. 
=> Brazilian stations: in Portuguese language
(#) Live audio checked
620 kHz: Radio Provincia de Misiones,  Posadas, Spanish, 16/08 2119. Comments, id ‘Provincia...’, pop song in English. 25332. 
630 kHz: Radio Rivadavia, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 16/08 2154. Comments, advs, jingle ‘Rivadavia...’. 25432.
910 kHz: La Red, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 16/08 2216. Sport News Bulletin, ‘Racing, River, futebol...’. 25432 (#).
950 kHz: Radio Saenz Peña, Roque Saenz Peña, Spanish, 17/08 0103. Broadcast a Sporting event (an indoor soccer game?). 23432 (#).
610 kHz: Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 16/08 2202. ‘Jornal da Itatiaia – Noite’, time checking, news about the volume of traffic in Belo Horizonte, accident on a Highway. 34543. 

760 kHz: Radio Terra, Montes Claros MG, 21/08 2048. Advs ‘em Montes Claros...’. Id ‘Você ouve pela Radio Terra, “Boa tarde, cidade...” ‘. 25322.
880 kHz: Radio Deus é Amor, Porto Alegre RS, 16/08 2032. Christian program, ‘Igreja Pentecostal Deus é Amor, Radio Deus é Amor’, comments. 35443.
1190 kHz: Radio São Lourenço, São Lourenço do Sul RS, 16/08 2350. Brazilian song, Moacir Franco, advs ‘Frigorífico Coqueiro, Fino Trato, Estúdio, Pilates, Drogaria Central ‘em São Lourenço do Sul... chove em São Lourenço’. 25442.

1340 kHz: Radio CBN Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre RS, 21/08 2154. News from Porto Alegre, traffic on the roads, need for a visa to enter Brazil. 24532.
1390 kHz: Radio Esperança, Porto Alegre RS, 21/08 2147. Christian program, ‘Igreja Pentecostal’, testimonies. 34543.
1420 kHz: Radio Cultura, Sete Lagoas MG, 21/08 2115. Brazilian song. 35343 (#).
1430 kHz: Radio Serra Negra, Serra Negra SP, 21/08 2132. Brazilian songs, id ‘RSN... Radio Serra Negra’. 34543.

1440 kHz: Radio Livre, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 21/08 2136. Song Abba, id ‘Radio Livre 1440 AM’. 35543.
1460 kHz: Radio Ampére, Ampére PR, 20/08 2330. Comments, id ‘Você está com a Radio Ampére...’. 34543.
1510 kHz: Radio Teresópolis, Teresópolis RJ, 21/08 2144. Comments, police News, ‘Rio de Janeiro...’. 34543.
1590 kHz: Radio Cultura, Andirá PR, 21/08 2158. Id ‘...você está na Cultura, Andirá...’. 23432. QRM 1600 Radio 9 de julho, São Paulo.

610 kHz: Radio La Voz del Chaco, Filadelfia, Spanish, 17/08 0014. Christian program, songs. 22422 (#).
610 kHz: Radio Transmundial Uruguay, via CX4 Radio Rural, Santiago Vazquez, Spanish, 17/08 0132. Christian program, ‘...Mujeres de Esperanza, por RadioTransmundial. 33433. QRM: 610 kHz Radio Itatiaia, BH.
770 kHz: Radio Oriental, Montevideo, Spanish, 16/08 2211. Broadcast of a sporting event, advs from Montevideo and Canelones, ‘Uruguay’. 35553.
850 kHz: Radio Carve, Montevideo, Spanish, 16/08 2140. Advs ‘Montevideo, id. 35543. 

890 kHz: Sport890, Santiago Velazquez, Spanish, 16/08 2148. Comments, id ‘por Sport...’, advs. 35543.
1390 kHz: Radio Difusora Treinta y Tres, Treinta y Tres, Spanish, 21/08 2151. Songs, 23532. QRM: Radio Esperança, Porto Alegre 1390 kHz.
15625 kHz: Radio Mundial (pirate station), id ‘Radio Mundial...’, songs. 25432.

15215 kHz: Voice of Fano, via Issoudun, Amharic, 21/08 1730. Comments, typical song. 25442. * To Ethiopia.
21580 kHz: Radio France International, Issoudun, French, 22/08 1735. News Bulletin, comments, ‘... Donald Trump...’. 45554. * To Africa.
15310 kHz: Bible Voice Broadcasting, via Nauen, Amharic, 21/08 1720. Christian program, message. 35543. * To Africa.
17725 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, Oromo, 22/08 1740. Christian program, music, comments. 35543. * To Ethiopia.

73 & good DX, rg     
Matthew 11:28 - Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

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