In the middle of this grove, in São Bernardo, Brazil, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL system is installed.


#363 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - August 16, 2024

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL ************************************************************************************ 
#363 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - August 16, 2024  
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São  Bernardo SP)
Antenna: Magnetic Loop Antenna
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, (*) Target Area / Remarks. 
=> Brazilian stations: in Portuguese language
(#) Live audio checked
540 kHz: Radio Nacional, Santa Fé, 15/08 0210. Broadcast of a football (soccer) match, Talleres 0 x 1 River Plate, id. 25432. 

840 kHz: Radio Salta, Salta, Spanish, 08/08 0205. Comments, ‘...’, id ‘Radio Salta’. 24542.
900 kHz: Radio Província, Corrientes, Spanish, 13/08 0218. Romantic songs in English language, id ‘Província’. 35543.
960 kHz: Radio Nacional, Mendoza, Spanish, 14/08 2330. Comments. 24432. (#)
1620 kHz: Radio Mitre, Cañada de Gomez, Spanish, 09/08 0256. Comments and discussions on political issues, id ‘Radio Mitre’. 24532. QRM: Radio 16-20 AM, Mar del Plata.
540 kHz: Radio Sepé, Santo Angelo RS, 13/08 0135. Comments. 12421. (#)
590 kHz: Radio Difusora, Curitiba PR, 13/08 0130. Brazilian songs. 35443. (#) 

620 kHz: Radio Jovem Pan, São Paulo SP, 16/08 1015. Just as it happened recently with Radio Bandeirantes, and following the national program of migration of medium wave stations to the FM category, this time it was Radio Jovem Pan, São Paulo, 620 kHz, that went off the air on 08/16/24 at 10:15 UTC, after 80 years of uninterrupted broadcasts. A landmark in Brazilian radio that has left us. Its new frequency, now in FM, is 76.7 MHz (extended FM), for local broadcasts only.
630 kHz: Radio Paraná Educativa, Curitiba PR, 13/08 0124. ‘100% Brasil, Educativa... ZYJ284 Radio Paraná Educativa AM, Curitiba...’. 25432.
640 kHz: Radio Difusora, Itabuna BA, 08/08 0228. Advs,. ‘ centro de Itabuna...’, id ‘Radio Difusora. 24442.
660 kHz: Rede Apolo (ex-Radio Mundial), São Paulo, 15/08 0228. Songs, id ‘... você ouve a Rede Apolo...’. 45554.
720 kHz: Radio Vale, Cruzeiro SP, 14/08 0044. Brazilian song. 34543. (#) 

760 kHz: Radio Manchete, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 13/08 0120. Id ‘Radio Manchete, mais alegria, todo o dia’. 35553.
770 kHz: Radio Cidade, Cambé PR, 14/08 0050. Broadcast of the Corinthians x Bragantino football (soccer) match, on a network with Rede Bandeirantes de Rádio. 24542.
800 kHz: Radio MEC, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 13/08 0112. Brazilian songs. 24542. A very poor signal, compared to the normal transmissions of Radio MEC Rio de Janeiro. (#)
850 kHz: Radio Atalaia, Campo Erê SC, 13/08 0105. Comments, advs, ‘...Supermercados... em Campo Erê’. 34543. 
890 kHz: Radio Ubá, Ivaiporã PR. 14/08 2350. Brazilian song, id ‘Esta é a ZYJ287, Radio Ubá, Ivaiporã’. Advs ‘... em Ivaiporã’. 34543.
1010 kHz: Radio Difusora, Lençóis Paulista SP, 13/08 0206. Brazilian song, id ‘Difusora’. 23432.
1160 kHz: Radio Luz e Alegria, Frederico Westphalen RS, 16/08 0021. Music in gaucho style. Id ‘Luz e Alegria, ‘tô’ na Luz...’. 34543.
1270 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 13/08 0152. Id, song ‘My Sweet Lord’. 24432. // 4985 kHz RBC. 

1350 kHz: Super Rede Boa Vontade de Radio, via Radio Cristal, Salvador BA, 09/08 0304. Id, reading letters from listeners. 35443. 
1500 kHz: Radio Jacuípe, Riachão do Jacuípe BA, 14/08 0002. Id ‘Radio Jacuípe... Móveis Aliança, em Jacuípe...’. 24432.
1530 kHz: Radio Difusora, Itajaí SC 13/08 0142. Id ‘Você está na Difusora... Difusora, Itajaí’, songs. 24432.
920 kHz: Radio Nacional del Paraguay, Asunción, Spanish, 13/08 0212. Comments. 24542. (#) 

1250 kHz: Radio RCC, Asunción, 13/08 0157. ‘RCC... Paraguay’. 24432.
9765 kHz: KBS World Radio, via Georgetown, French, 12/08 2011. Comments, ‘...Korea...’, instrumental music. 45554. * To N Africa.
15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 12/08 1435. Comments, News Bulletin. News about the VoePass plane crash on August 9in Vinhedo, 50 km from São Paulo, killing all 62 people on board. 25442. * To NE Brazil.
7410 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Portuguese, 12/08 1950. Christian program, comments, instrumental music. 45544. * To Angola.
9940 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, Lingala, 12/08 2001. Christian program, instrumental music, id ‘This is Trans World Radio, broadcasting from Eswatini. 35543. * To Democratic Republico of Congo.

17570 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, Maasai, 14/08 1747. Christian program, message, song. 35543. * To NE Africa (Kenya and Tanzaina). Maasai is one of the Esatern Nilotic Group of Nilo-Saharan languages (Internet).
9900 kHz: KSDA Adventist World Radio, via Agat, 12/08 2006. Christian program, instrumental music, message. 45554. * To North and South Korea. What a signal strength for this time! 
11945 kHz: Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, SIrjan, Bengali, 12/08 1430. Comments. 15321. * To S Asia.
15120 kHz: Voice of America, via Greenville, Bambara,12/08 2130. Interval signal, comments, instrumental music, ‘VoA’. 35543. * To W Africa.

9705 kHz: Vatican Radio, Sta. Maria di Galeria, English, 12/08 2019. Catholic program, comments, applauses. 35543. * To C Africa.
9730 kHz: Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, German, 12/08 2014. Comments, interview, instrumental music. 35443. * To Europe.  


73 & good DX, rg     
Matthew 11:28 - Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Boa tarde Grimm.
Excelentes escutas.

José Ronaldo Xavier

Rudolf Grimm disse...

Com a saída de várias estações de ondas médias, especialmente as que usavam potencia mais elevada, indo estas para o FM, os canais de onde saíram vão trazendo o que estava encoberto antes. E assim será até o fim do processo de migração de OM para FM estar concluído. Para os fãs de algumas estações que se foram para o FM, uma saudade, uma melancolia, mas para pesquisadores e experimentadores na área da radioescuta, algo fantástico!