Lugo, Spain
Log in Friol, NW of Spain
Sangean ATS 909X, Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters
BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0026-0037, 12-06, Quechua,
comments, Bolivian songs. 25432.
5940, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0432-047, 12-06, religious songs, Portuguese.
// 9650, 11750. 35433.
6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2041-2056, 11-06, Brazilian songs,
comments, program “A Hora do Fazendeiro”. // 15190.1. 15422.
Also heard 0438-0512, 12-06, Brazilian songs, program “Memoria Nacional”.
6150, Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0502-0533, 09-06, Brazilian songs, program
"Faixa Brasil, a voz ca cançao popular brasileira". 15422.
Also heard 0419- , 12-06, Brazilian songs.
6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2032-2048, 11-06, Brazilian songs,
Portuguese, comments. // 11780. 25422.
9818.9, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2018-2044, 11-06, Portuguese, religious
comments. 15322.
Also heard 0511-0552, 12-06, religious songs. Very weak. 15411.
11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2006-2037, 11-06, Brazilian songs,
Portuguese, comments. 35433.
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 2026-2041, 11-06, Brazilian songs. 34433.
15190.1, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1932-2017, 11-06, Portuguese,
comments, id. “...Rede Inconfidencia de Radio, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias,
Brasil”, at 2006 program “A Hora do Fazendeiro, com música sertaneja”. 25432.
CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0515-0550, 12-06, English, news, comments. QRM
from Channel 292 on the same frequency. 21421.
ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0443-0501*, 08-06, non stop instrumental music
today. 25432.
Also heard 0455-0501*, 11-06, with religious comments and songs in Spanish,
"música comtemporanea para su corazón". Transmission cut off abruptly
at 0501 in the middle of a song. 15422.
Checked 0451-0500, 12-06, no signal.
5930, World Music Radio, Bramming, 1855-1917, 11-06, Latin American songs,
songs in English. 25422.
5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 2009-2028, 11-06, rock songs in English, id. “Radio
208”. 15422.
15700, World Music Radio, Randers, 1455-1523, 11-06, songs in English, id.
“This is WMR, World Music Radio”, Latin American songs. 35433.
25800, World Music Radio, Marslet, 1543-1623, 11-06, songs, id. “World Music
Radio”. // 15700. 25422.
FINLAND, 11690, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat, 0502-0538, 08-06, Finish,
comments, songs in English, id. "Scandinavian Weekend Radio". 25432.
Also heard 1549-1628, 08-06, songs, Finish, comments, id. "Scandinavian
Weekend Radio". 15422.
GUAM, 15215, KSDA, Adventist World Radio, Agat, 1510-1559*, 11-06, Kannada
language, male, comments, at 1530 Oriya language, id. “Adventist Radio Center,
India”, “The Voice of Hope”, “From the Pacific Island of Guam, this is
Adventist World Radio, The Voice of Hope”. 35433.
KOREA, North, 15245, Voice of Korea, Kujang, 1600- , 11-06, interval signal,
id. French, “La Voix de la Corée”, anthem, French program, news, comments.
LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 1941-1956, 11-06, English, religious comments.
Also heard *0556-0613, 12-06, interval signal, English, religious comments and
songs. 15421.
5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *1800-1920, 11-06, interval signal, French, id.,
African songs, Vernacular, comments. 25422.
9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1645-1659*, 11-06, African sons, at 1759, interval
signal, id. “La Radio National du Mali emettant de Banako” and close. 25322.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0416-0456, 12-06, Spanish,
comments, Mexican and other Latin American songs. id. “Radio Educación”, more
comments. 25422.
NETHERLANDS, 5955, Radio Veronica, Westdorpe, 1814-1838, 11-06, pop songs in
English, Dutch, comments. 25432.
NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 2034-2048, 11-06, pop and country
songs in English. 14321.
4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0027-0038, 12-06, Spanish, comments, comercial
advertisements, id. “Radio Tarma”. Strong and clear signal tonight. 35433.
4820, Radio Senda Cristiana, Cotahuasi, Arequipa, 0028-0039, 12-06, religious
comments, Spanish, Quechua. 15422.
TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1923 -2000*, 11-06, Tajik, comments
and songs. 15421.
TIBET, 7385, Xizang RTS, Lhasa, Tibet, 1712-1746, 11-06, Tibetan, comments,
songs. 25432.
USA, 9265, WINB, Red Lion, 2025-2047, 11-06, English, religious comments.
VENEZUELA, 4940, Estación 4940, 0442-0449*, 11-06, checked at 0442, on air,
Spanish, religious comments, id. "Estación 4940", religious songs,
new id. "Banda de 60 metros, Estación 4940, llegando a toda
Venezuela", but at 0449 signal cut off abruptly. 15432.
Also heard 0411-0449* , 12-06, extremely weak, unreadable comments and songs,
at 0449 signal cut off abruptly, no audio, no carrier.
ZAMBIA, 4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1847-1942, 11-06, English,
religious comments and songs, id. “Voice of Hope”. 25422.
DX-ing and QSL-ing: PY2-81502 SWL Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo do Campo SP GG66rg / Ibiuna SP GG66hh, BRAZIL. Contact:

The kiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL is installed in the middle of this grove (São Bernardo do Campo SP, Southeastern Brazil).
Stations heard in Friol, NW of Spain - June 12, 2024
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