In the middle of this grove, in São Bernardo, Brazil, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL system is installed.


#352 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - June 3, 2024

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL ************************************************************************************ 
*Rx: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL), Icom R-8500, Sony ICF-2001D
*Ant.: Magnetic Loop Antenna, AlexLoop SML7-30 (indoor), RGP3 Ferrite Loop
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, (*) Target Area / Remarks. 
=> ::Brazilian stations: in Portuguese language. 
#352 - June 03, 2024 
Support: MW-List // Internet.

790 kHz: Radio Mitre, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 31/05 0031. Football match, River x Tachira, Copa Libertadores de America, id, 35543. 
910 kHz: LR5 Radio La Red, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 30/05 2242. Football match, Palmeiras (Brazil) and San Lorenzo (Argentina), id ‘Radio La Red’. 25432. 
590 kHz: Radio Difusora, Curitiba PR, 30/05 2314. Brazilian song, “você ouve ‘Luar Sertanejo’ pela Difusora”. 35543.
670 kHz: Radio Cidade, Curitiba PR, 31/05 0020. Brazilian song, time checking, jingle ‘Cidade, boa noite’. 24542.
730 kHz: Radio Cidade, Jundiaí SP, 31/05 0025. Brazilian song, id ‘Cidade’. 34533.
750 kHz: Radio Jovem Pan News, Brasilia DF, 30/05 2309. Football match broadcast, Palmeiras x San Lorenzo, ‘Copa Libertadores de America’. 35543.
760 kHz: Radio Manchete, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 30/05 2025. Id ‘Radio Manchete, a sua rádio-alegria’, Brazilian song. 35553.
770 kHz: Radio Itabira, Itabira MG, 30/05 2303. Advs, ‘Itabira’. 24532.
800 kHz: Radio MEC, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 30/05 2029. Classic music, ‘MEC’. 35543.
790 kHz: Radio Nacional, Curitiba PR, 30/05 2300. Religious broadcast, ‘perto de Tijucas do Sul’, advs. 35543.
810 kHz: Radio Canção Nova, São José do Rio Preto SP, 30/05 2031. Catholic broadcast, prayer. 34543.
830 kHz: Radio Tropical, Nova Iguaçu RJ, 30/05 2215. Brazilian song, id ‘Radio Tropical AM’. 35553.
880 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, Brazilian song, ‘Inconfidencia’. 35553. 
890 kHz: Radio Difusora, Bento Gonçalves RS, 30/05 2038. Advs, ‘Bento Gonçalves’. 15421.
910 kHz: Radio Venâncio Aires, Venâncio Aires RS, 30/05 2238. Song in gaúcho style (streaming checked). 14521.
1090 kHz: Radio Metropolitana, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 30/05 2232. Brazilian song (streaming checked). 35553.
1170 kHz: Radio Vanguarda, Ipatinga MG, 31/05 2319. Brazilian song Zezé di Camargo, jingle ‘todo o mundo ligado, Vanguarda Hits... Vanguarda, a rádio do Vale do Aço’. 35543.
1270 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 30/05 2225. Brazilian songs, ‘Brasil Central...’. 35543. // with 4985 kHz.  
1360 kHz: Radio Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 30/05 2042. Sport broadcast, ‘Flamengo’, // with 840 Radio Bandeirantes SP. 35553.
1380 kHz: Radio Cidade, Brazópolis MG 30/05 2044. Brazilian song (streaming checked). 35433.
1400 kHz: Radio Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 30/05 2155. Spiritist program. 35543.
1430 kHz: Radio Serra Negra, Serra Negra SP, 30/05 2046. Brazilian song (streaming checked). 35443.
1440 kHz: Radio Comercial, Presidente Prudente SP, 30/05 2150.  Advs, ‘Loja de Tintas... em Presidente Prudente’. 24532.  
1480 kHz: Radio Boituva, Boituva SP, 30/05 2050. Brazilian song (streaming checked). 33543.
1510 kHz: Radio Teresópolis, Teresópolis SP, 30/05 2145. Religious broadcast (streaming checked). 25542.
1540 kHz: Radio Cultura, Leme SP, 30/05 2053. Sport broadcast, // with 840 Radio Bandeirantes SP. 33533. QRM 1540 Radio Deus é Amor, Sertãozinho.
1550 kHz: Radio Cacique, Capivari SP, 30/05 2140. Advs, id ‘ZYK572 Cacique AM, a rádio da cidade’. Brazilian song. 35543.
770 kHz: Radio Oriental, Montevideo, Spanish, 30/05 2306. Football match broadcast, ‘Oriental’, advs. 24522.
1280 kHz: Radio Tacuarembó, Tacuarembó, Spanish, 30/05 2220. Advs ‘en Tacuarembó’. 15421.

SUPPORT: Aoki Shortwave Frequency List // EiBi // HFCC // Short-Wave Info // WRTH 2024 Edition - Summer Schedules // Internet.

17600 kHz: Ifrikya FM, Bechar, Arabic, 01/06 1703. Talk by OM, song. 35443. *Tx to Africa.
12050 kHz: Radio Ndarason, via Georgetown, Kannada, 30/05 1812. News (?), talk. 35543. *Tx to W Africa.
11955 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Moosbrunn, Arabic, 30/05 1827. Christian broadcast, message (?) by OM. 25432. *Tx to Libya.
3310 kHz: Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, Spanish / Quechua, 31/05 0014. Typical instrumental music, song, comments by YL. 25432.
12080 kHz: Voice of America, via Selebi-phikwe, Portuguese, 01/06 1747. Comments about working conditions in Africa, better unions, Angolan people, public transport. 35543. *Tx to Africa.
6010 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 01/06 1340. Talk about health problems when using electronic cigarettes. 35443.
6180 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 30/05 2323. Brazilian song, 35543. // with 11780 kHz 15321.
9818,8 kHz: Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo SP, 31/05 2032. Catholic broadcast, comments by OM / YL. 25542.
4905 kHz: PBS Xizang (relaying CNR11), Lhasa, Chinese (?), 30/05 2319. Comments by YL. 24322.
17765 kHz: China Radio International, via Kashi, French, 30/05 1608. News, comments. 25542. *Tx to Europe.
11760 kHz: Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, Spanish, 01/06 0012. News, ‘Efemerides...’, OM: talk. 35543. *Tx to L America.
9410 kHz: Radio Cairo, Abis, German, 31/05 1945. Comments by OM / YL. 15421. *Tx to W Europe.
15550 kHz: Radio Dabanga, via Issoudun, Dari, 01/06 1723. Talk by OM / YL, interview. 35543. *Tx to Sudan.
17555 kHz: Radio Dabanga, via Issoudun, Dari, 30/05 1602. News Bulletin (?). 25542. *Tx to Sudan.
17850 kHz: Radio France International, Issoudun, Hausa, 30/05 1612. Talk, instrumental music. 25332. *Tx to W Africa.
21690 kHz: Radio France International, Issoudun, Swahili, 30/05 1550. Comments, instrumental music, News. 35543. *Tx to E Africa.
9555 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, 31/05 2000. Interval signal, Christian broadcast, comments by OM. 35543. *Tx to C Africa.
9780 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, 31/05 2025. Comments by OM / YL, Christian broadcast, electronic music on 2028, end of transmission on 2030. 35553. *Tx to N Africa.
11790 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, Yoruba, 31/05 2053. Christian broadcast, message (?) by OM. 35553. *Tx to Nigeria.
12040 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Nauen, Nigerian, 31/05 2100. Begin of broadcast, instrumental music, comments. 35553. *Tx to Nigeria.
15310 kHz: Bible Voice Broadcasting, via Nauen, Tigrinya, 01/06 1718. Christian broadcast, message, instrumental music, id in English, contact in Ontario, Canada. 35543. Tx to E Africa.
 21530 kHz DRM: C.M. Obrecht, 01/06 1758. Electronic music, id on 1804 ‘C.M. Obrecht...’, electronic address. 45554.
9320 kHz: KTWR, via Merizo, Korean, 31/05 1925. Christian broadcast, happy comments (2 YL). 35543. *Tx to N & S Korea.
9900 kHz: KSDA Adventist World Radio, via Agat, Korean, 31/05 2036. Christian broadcast, instrumental music, comments. 45554. A fantastic signal!!!!. *Tx to N & S Korea.
9620 kHz: All India Radio Akashvani, Bengaluru, French, 31/05 2005. Comments by OM / YL. 35553. *Tx to Europe.
11810 kHz: All India Radio Akashvani, Bengaluru, Pashto, 01/06 1242. Comments, song. 15431. *Tx to S Asia.
11625 kHz: NHK Radio Japan, Yamata, Japanese, 31/05 2045. Comments by OM / YL. 35543. *Tx to Europe.
12110 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Kuwait, Chinese, 30/05 1802. Comments. 12431. *Tx to Asia. Strong Chinese jamming.
12130 kHz: Mashaal Radio, via Kuwait, Pashto, 01/06 1251. *Tx to Pakistan.  
15090 kHz: Radio Azadi (Radio Free Afghanistan), via Kuwait, Dari, 01/06. Talk, ‘Azadi...’. 35543. *Tx to Iran.
11640 kHz: Radio Dabanga, via Talata-Volonondry, Dari, 01/06 1731. Comments. 35543. *Tx to Sudan.
17590 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Talata-Volonondry, Swahili, 01/06 1700. Interval signal, comments by OM: ‘...Swahili... Adventist..., Christian broadcast. 35553. *Tx to SE Africa.
17730 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Talata-Volonondry, Marathi, 30/05 1617. Christian broadcast, song, talk, instrumental music. 25442. *Tx to India.
15720 kHz: Radio New Zealand Pacific, Rangitaiki, English, 31/05 2115. Interview, mentions to the Pacific. 35553. *Tx to Oceania & W N America.
9425 kHz: Voice of Korea, Kujang, German, 31/05 1950. Instrumental music, song by a children choir. 25442. *Tx to Europe.
9875 kHz: Voice of Korea, Kujang, Korean, 31/05 2034. Comments by two OM. 35333. *Tx to Europe.
11680 kHz: KCBS Pyongyang, Kanggye, Korean, 31/05 2050. Talk by YL. 15421. *Tx to Asia.
11910 kHz: Voice of Korea, Kujang, French, 30/05 1830. Song by YL (in a traditional North Korean style). 35543. *Tx  to Africa.
11985 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Agignan Point, Korean, 30/05 1816. Music, comments. 25542. *Tx to North & South Korea.
15295 kHz: BBC, via Al Seela, English, 01/06 1318. Comments by two OMs. 35543. *Tx to S Asia;
12120 kHz: Radio Pilipinas, Tinang, Filipino, 30/05 1806. Comments, ‘Pilipinas’. 35543. *Tx to SE Asia.
11975 kHz: Radio Romania International, via Galbeni, Romanian, 30/05 1825. Music, comments. 25432. *Tx to S Europe.
15170 kHz DRM: Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, Spanish, 31/05 2110. Comments by YK ‘Embaixada de España en Bucaresti...’. 45554. *Tx to S America.
9470 kHz: Voice of America, via Pinheira, Kingarwanda, 31/05 1955. Talk, ‘Voice of America...’, 35543. *Tx to E Africa.
11935 kHz: Republic of Yemen Radio, via Jeddah, Arabic, 30/05 1820. Talk, music. 23422. (Jamming?). *Tx to Yemen.
15575 kHz: KBS World Radio, Kimjae, English, 01/06 1332. Comments. 15421. *Tx to N America.
11750 kHz: Sri Lanka BC (t), via Trincomalee, Sinhala, 01/06 1742. Comments. 35543. *Tx to Asia.11750 kHz Radio Voz Missionaria, off on this moment.
15430 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Trincomalee, Bengali, 01/06 1324. Christian broadcast, song, comments. 15431. *Tx to India.
15255 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Dushanbe, Nepali, 01/06 1312. Christian broadcast, comments by OM /  YL. 25332. *Tx to Asia.
9255 kHz: Sound of Hope, via Miaoli, Chinese, 31/05 1920. Comments, song. 12531. *Tx to China. A Strong jamming (CNR1).
9680 kHz: Radio Taiwan International, Tamsui, Chinese, 01/06 1238. Comments, interview. 25452. *Tx to S Asia.
9310 kHz: Voa Deewa Radio, via Udon Thani, Pashto, 01/06 1752. Comments, music. 25442. *Tx to Afghanistan.
12055 kHz: Voice of America, via Udon Thani, Somali, 30/05 1715. Comments, phone-in. 35443. *Tx to Africa.
12070 kHz: VoA Radio Ashna, via Udon Thani, Dari, 30/05 1720. Comments, phone-in, inyerview. 35543. *Tx to Iran.
9460 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, 31/05 1935. Song, comments, 25432. *Tx to Europe.
17690 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Kazakh, 01/06 1347. Songs in Turkish language. 35443, *Tx to Asia.
15260 kHz: IBRA Media (Radio Sama), via Woofferton, Arabic, 01/06 1712. Music, message (?). 25432. *Tx to Middle East.
5010 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via WRMI, Okeechobee, Spanish, 31/05 0010. Christian broadcast, song, talk by OM / YL. 25442. *Tx to Cuba.
9265 kHz: WINB – Call to Worship, Red Lion, English, 01/06 0037. Christian broadcast,  message. 35553. *Tx to S USA.
9330 kHz: WBCQ World’s Last Chance, Monticello, Portuguese, 01/06 0031. Christian broadcast, comments about religious heresies. 45554. *Tx to Brazil.
9475 kHz: WTWW, Lebanon, English, 01/06 0023. Comments, Christian broadcast. 35543. *Tx to N America.
9510 kHz: BBC, via Tashkent, English, 01/06 0018. News, comments, ‘...Ukraine...’. 35543. *Tx to S Asia.
11530 kHz: Radyo Dengê Gel, via Tashkent (?), Kurdish, 31/05 2039. Song by male voices, in Kurdish. 35543. *Tx to C Asia.
11590 kHz: IBRA Media / R. Ibrahim, via Tashkent, Bengali, 01/06 0002. Comments, song. 25432. *Tx to S Asia.
11640 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Tashkent, Vietnamese, 01/06 0007. Christian broadcast, a song in Vietnamese, message (?). 34542. *Tx to Vietnam.
15475 kHz: Nippon no Kaze (t), via Tashkent, Korean, 01/06 1327. Instrumental music, comments, sign-off on 1330. 15431. *Tx to Asia.
9705 kHz: Vatican Radio, Sta. Maria di Galeria, English, 31/05 2015. Interview about the African people. 35553. *Tx to C Africa.
17655 kHz: Voice of America, via Sta. Maria di Galeria, Portuguese, 01/06 1707. Comments, talk. 45554. *Tx to Africa.
9730 kHz: Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, German, 31/05 2020. Song by YL, comments. 25522. *Tx to Europe. 
11885 kHz: Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnamese, 30/05 1710. Comments. 25332. *Tx to Europe. 

73 & good DX, rg     
John 3:16 

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Excelentes escutas Grimm. Todas elas!
Saudações ao amigo.

Zé Ronaldo disse...

Very good, my friend Grimm! Strong 73.

Rudolf Grimm disse...

Grato aos amigos. Podemos mais uma vez constatar que as estações de ondas curtas e também as de ondas médias brasileiras, continuam ativas!
73, rg