In the middle of this grove, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL is installed (São Bernardo do Campo SP, southeast Brazil).


#307 Reception in Southeastern Brazil – November 29, 2021

#307 Reception in Southeastern Brazil – November 29, 2021
Rudolf Grimm

São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh)
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Reception Details, SINPO, (**) Target área / remarks.
=> Brazilian stations: in Portuguese language.
KiwiSDR (PY2-81502, São Bernardo) // PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna
15120 kHz: Voice of America
, via Georgetown, Bambara 19/11 2140. Id ‘VoA Afrique...’. Song, talk. 45554. **Tx to W Africa. 
1010 kHz: Radio Difusora
, Lençóis Paulista SP, 26/11 2231. A Brazilian song, jingle: ‘...participe da programação da Difusora...’. 24542.
15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 19/11 2145. // Tx w/6010 kHz. Talk, id. 15431. **Tx to NE Brazil.
15105 kHz: TWR Africa
, Manzini, Lingala, 29/11 1915. Christian programming, message, id. 35543. **Tx to Africa.
11870 kHz: KSDA Adventist World Radio
, via Agat, Chinese, 20/11 2215. A Christian programming, preacher, message, piano music. 25542. **Tx to SE Asia.
15325 kHz: KSDA Adventist World Radio, via Agat, Asho Chin, 24/11 0045. An AWR programming, message, id in EE ‘This is the Adventist World Radio, the Voice of Hope’ on 0058. Music. 25432. **Tx to S Asia. 
15720 kHz: Radio New Zealand International
, Rangitaiki, English, 24/11 0045. Talk, male voice, song. 15431. **Tx to W USA & Canada.  
11680 kHz: KCBS Pyongyang
, Kanggye, Korean, 26/11 2245. Instrumental music, talk in Korean language. 25332. **A regional transmission.
9405 kHz: FEBC
, Bocaue, Chinese, 26/11 2255. A Christian programming, praching by male voice, a prayer ‘Amen...’, a song by female voice. 35443. **Tx to SE Asia.
9875 kHz: FEBC, Bocaue, Iu Mien, 26/11 2300. Interval signal. Id, message. 25442. **Tx to Asia.
12030 kHz: Radio Exterior de España
, Noblejas, Spanish, 20/11 2210. Sport News, soccer in Spain. 35343. **Tx ro S Asia.
6085 kHz: Radio Taiwan International
, Tamsui, Korean, 20/11 2220. Talk by male and female speakers. 25322. **Tx to South & North Korea.
15760 kHz: SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng, Chinese, 24/11 0050. YL: talk. Instrumental music, A strong QRM from Chinese jamming (Maybe a CNR programming). 12531.
15775 kHz and 15920 kHz: // 15760 kHz SOH Xi Wang Zhi Sheng. 13521.
73 & good DX, rg

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