DX-ing and QSL-ing: PY2-81502 SWL Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo do Campo SP GG66rg / Ibiuna SP GG66hh, BRAZIL. Contact: grimm.r@outlook.com.br
The kiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL is installed in the middle of this grove (São Bernardo do Campo SP, Southeastern Brazil).
7260 kHz: Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila VANUATU - on-air
Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
in Lugo VANUATU,
7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0650-0720 , 01-03, back after about one week
out. Comments, male, female, Island songs. Strong carrier weak to very weak
audio. 15421.
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