March 17, 2020 (Time in UTC)
Receiver: Sony ICF2001D
Antenna: RGP3 Ferrite Loop Antenna
ARGENTINA: 530 kHz Somos Radio, Buenos Aires, Spanish,
14/03 0125. Soccer play transmission from Buenos Aires. 35333 (RG).
ARGENTINA: 590 kHz Radio Continental, Buenos Aires,
Spanish, 14/03 0147. Talk by male voices. 35553 (RG).
ARGENTINA: 950 kHz CNN Radio, Buenos Aires, Spanish,
14/03 0250. Talk by male and female voices, ‘CNN...’. 34543 (RG).
BRAZIL: 580 kHz Radio Você, Americana SP, Portuguese,
14/03 0142. Brazilian song, ‘Radio Você’. 24422 (RG).
BRAZIL: 590 kHz Radio Difusora, Curitiba PR, Portuguese,
14/03 0138. Instrumental music, ‘Radio Difusora...’. 24542 (RG).
BRAZIL: 740 kHz Radio CBN-Diário, Florianópolis SC,
Portuguese, 14/03 0201. ‘Reporter CBN’, national CBN transmission. 23532 (RG).
Strong QRM observed from 740 kHz Radio Trianon, São Paulo.
BRAZIL: 750 kHz Radio CMN, Ribeirão Preto SP, Portuguese,
13/03 2225. Sport transmission, soccer play FC Botafogo (Ribeirão Preto) x FC
Oeste, jingle ‘CMN’. 35543 (RG).
BRAZIL: 820 kHz Radio Bandeirantes, Goiania GO,
Portuguese, 13/03 2245. ‘Bandeirantes Esporte Clube’. Id ‘Bandeirantes
Goiania...’. 35553 (RG).
BRAZIL: 920 kHz Radio Imperador, Franca SP, Portuguese,
13/03 2305. Jingle: ‘Imperador AM, ... todo o mundo ouve...’. Brazilian song.
35553 (RG).
BRAZIL: 930 kHz Radio Clube, Itapira SP, Portuguese,
14/03 1129. Relay from 840 kHz Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, time pips, time
checking. 25222 (RG).
BRAZIL: 1290 kHz Radio Brasil Sul, Londrina PR,
Portuguese, 13/03 2320. Id ‘Radio Brasil Sul’. Brazilian song, advs Rural Peças
Londrina. 35553 (RG).
BRAZIL: 1300 kHz Radio Eldorado, Sete Lagoas MG,
Portuguese, 13/03 2326. Announcer: ‘Alô amigos, você está na Eldorado AM...’.
Brazilian song. 24522 (RG).
CHILE: 1100 kHz BBN Viña del Mar, Spanish, 14/03 0120.
Broadcasting BBN programs, Christian music. Male communication. 35543 (RG). An
amazing reception quality!!!!! On this time, just BBN Vina del Mar, no signal
from BBN Bogotá. Good reception conditions at this frequency after the
definitive closure of Radio Globo São Paulo, 1100 kHz.
URUGUAY: 1280 kHz Radio Tacuarembo, Tacuarembo, Spanish,
13/03 2315. Interview by OM, id ‘Radio Tacuarembo’. 35433 (RG).
BRAZIL: 240 kHz LJS, Lages SC. CW ‘LJS... LJS...‘. 14/03
0150 (RG).
BRAZIL: 375 kHz CUB, Corumbá MT. CW ‘CUB... CUB...‘.
14/03 0155 (RG). First reception!
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL
http: //dxways-br.blogspot.com
YouTube: GrimmSBC
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