...where the KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL) is installed (behind the trees) - São Bernardo SP GG66rg, SE BRAZIL


Stations heard in Reinante, NW of Spain - August 7, 2023

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain
Log in Reinante, NW of Spain
Sangean ATS 909X, Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters.
ALGERIA, 15110, Ifrikya FM, Bechar, 0801-0819, 02-08, French, news, id.
“Ifrikya FM l’actualité”, “Ifrikya FM la voix africaine”. 35433.
ANTARCTICA, 15476usb, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 1842-1917, 05-08, male, female, Spanish, comments, id.
“Uniendo Voces”, “LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel…”, songs.
AUSTRIA, 7330, Radio Joystick, Moosbrunn, 1023-1043, 06-08, German, comments, songs. 25432.
BOLIVIA, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cotapachi, 0113-0124, 03-08, Quechua, comments, Bolivian songs. 15421.
Also heard 2352-2358, 04-08, Quechua, comments. 15421.
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0505-0552, 07-08, Brazilian songs, “Madrugada Musical”. // 11815. Teletype QRM. 32332.
6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0505-0531, 03-08, Brazilian songs. 15421.
Also heard 0529-0627, 05-08, Brazilian songs, id. “Inconfidencia”, program “Memoria Nacional”. 25432.
6180, Radio Nacional da Amamzonia, Brasilia, 2046-2057, 05-08, Brazilian songs. 35433.
15190.1, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1950-2007, 01-08, Portuguese, comments, identification, at 2002 “A Hora do Fazendeiro”.
COLOMBIA, 5910, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0504-0533, 07-08, religious comments, Colombian songs. 15421.
CUBA, 4765, Radio Progreso, Bejucal, 0342-0348, 05-08, Cuban songs.
5930, World Music Radio, Bramming, 2011-2028, 04-08, songs in English, id. “WMR”. 25422.
5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 2005-2016, 05-08, rock and pop songs in English. 15422.
FINLAND, 11689.9, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat, 2001-2017, 05-08, Finish, comments, songs in Finish and English, id. “Scandinavian Weekend Radio”. 15422.
GERMANY, 6130, Radio Europe, Alphen, 0617-0634, 02-08, songs in English, id. “Radio Europe, sixty-one thirty”. 35433.
INDONESIA, 3325, Voice of Indonesia, Palangkaraya (presumed) 2007-2026, 04-08, unreadable comments, extremely weak. 15411.
MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0620-0636, 06-08, songs, music. 25432.
6060, Radio Delta International, Elburg, 2001-2027, 05-08, songs, id.
“You are listening to Radio Delta International”, English, comments, “radiodelta.am”. 35433.
7705.3, FRS Holland, 1910-1925, 06-08, English, comments, songs in English, id. "The Free Radio Service Holland in your dial". 45444.
NEW ZEALAND, 11725, Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki, 1947-1958*, 05-08, English, comments, id. “This is Radio New Zealand International now closing this frequency…”, “This is New Zealand”, interval signal, close. 35433.
PERU, 4775, 0053-0059, 02-08, Peruvian songs. 25422.
Also heard 2351-0006, 04-08, Peruvian songs, Spanish, comments. 25322.
VANUATU, 7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0604-0702, 05-08, male, Bislama, comments, Island songs, more comments by female and male, id.
at 0627 “Radio Vanuatu”, more songs and comments, at 0859 drums, interval signal, news by female and male.

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