This is where the kiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL) is installed in São Bernardo do Campo SP, Southeastern Brazil.


#296 Logs: reception in São Bernardo SP (GG66rg), SE Brazil - August 24, 2021

#296 Logs: reception in São Bernardo SP (GG66rg), SE BRAZIL
Rudolf Grimm
KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL), PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna, headphone TECSUN E-805
August 24, 2021
. Brazilian stations in Portuguese language.
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Reception Details, SINPO, Target Area.
*530 kHz: Somos Radio, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 20/08 0535. Talk abt music in Argentina, a rock’n roll song. 35553.
*7600 kHz: Afghanistan International TV
(pres.), via Yerevan, Arab, 22/08 2202. Just a 30 seconds electronic instrumental music piece (as a jingle), repeated during a long time. 15441. **Local transmission.
*15620 kHz: Voice of America
, via Selebi-Phikwe, Somali, 20/08 1645. Talk, interview, programming in a VoA style. 25442. **Tx to NE Africa.
*540 kHz: Radio Feliz FM
, Niterói RJ, 11/08 0405. Christian programming, ‘Comunidade Cristã Paz e Vida, Rio de Janeiro’. 34533.
*15275 kHz: Deutsche Welle
, via Issoudun, Amharic, 20/08 1620. Talk by male voice, interview. 25542. **Tx to NE Africa.
*15285 kHz: Manara Radio International, via Issoudun, Hausa, 20/08 1615. Talk by male voice speaker. 35553. **Tx to W Africa.
*15415 kHz: Raddiyyoni Dirrel Shaggar (pres.), via Issoudun, Oromo, 24/08 1615. Song in African style, male voice speaker. 22432. **Tx to NE Africa. Strong jamming observed. One hour later, this tx migrated to 15490 kHz, with the same communication style, and the same jamming.
*15490 kHz: Adventist World Radio
, via Nauen, Tigrinya, 20/08 1630. A Christian programming, id on 1628, IS, talk by male voice speaker, message. 35543. **Tx to Africa.
*15460 kHz: Voice of America
, via Pinheira, Kirundi (?), 20/08 1629. Talk by male speaker, phone-in interview. 35543. **Tx to W Africa.
*15520 kHz: Voice of Turkey
, Emirler, English, 20/08 1635. Talk by male voice speaker, ‘Europa, Turkey...’. Talk by YL. 25432. **Tx to S Asia.
*15825 kHz: WWCR
, Nashville, 20/08 1655. Christian programming, preaching, Bible reading, ‘WWCR...’. 25442. **Tx to USA/Canada, Europe.
73 & good DX! rg

2 comentários:

Zé Ronaldo disse...

Mais uma plêiade de excelentes logs nesta primorosa edição.

José Ronaldo Xavier

Rudolf Grimm disse...

Grato, José Ronaldo. Ainda existe muita coisa a ser pesquisada com objetivos!!!!!! Você faz parte deste time de pesquisadores em rádio, muitos bons logs, por sinal!
73, Rudolf