In the middle of this grove, the KiwiSDR PY2-81502 SWL is installed (São Bernardo do Campo SP, southeast Brazil).


e-QSL (2000): 2460 kHz Radio Alvorada, Rio Branco AC BRAZIL

STATION: Radio Alvorada, Rio Branco AC BRAZIL    
FREQUENCY: 2460 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: Palmas SC (*), 04.Dec.2000, 0140UTC
RECEIVER / ANTENNAKenwood R-1000 + Wire Horizontal Antenna  
LANGUAGE: Portuguese
DISTANCE: 2.795 km (from Rio Branco to Palmas) 

(*) In two cars, we drove in December 2000 for almost 12 hours from São Paulo to Palmas beach, Santa Catarina (southern Brazil), loaded with equipment and accessories for a small DX-pedition in a house 200 m from the Atlantic Ocean.
When assembling the equipment, I made a simple initial connection of my Kenwood R-1000 (- the same I still use today, more than 20 years after), with a wire from the first floor window to a tree, a few meters from the house.
The strong signal of Radio Alvorada, Rio Branco, 2460 kHz, immediately impressed us.
And we had incredible more results on the nights we were there with radio friends from southern Brazil.

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