...where the KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL) is installed (behind the trees) - São Bernardo SP GG66rg, SE BRAZIL


Recepção + vídeo: 17895 kHz Voice of America, via Pinheira SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPE

The Voice of America (VOA) is the "Official" spokesman of the United States government in the arena of international shortwave radio. But despite its popularity throughout the world and the millions of dollars of public funds that compromise its yearly budget, the Voice is little-known and even less understood by Americans. Because it was designed to manuplate world public opinion including Eritreans to that of its sponsor - the State Department.

Emissora: Voice of America, via Pinheira SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPE
Frequência: 17895 kHz
Distância: 6.323 km
Idioma: Inglês
Data/hora da recepção: 05.03.2017 15:34h UTC
Local da sintonia: São Bernardo SP GG66rg

Rx: Icom IC-R75 + Loop Magnética AOR LA400 (interna)
Qualidade do sinal recebido (SINPO): 25442
Nota: Tx c/100º Az para a África e Austrália. 

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