Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 13640. Thu, Feb 27, 2025. 2056-2113, Ifrikya FM, Béchar-ALG, in Arabic & French. Music; 2100 ID and man announcer presents news; 2105 A conversation w/ a man. Poor reception: 35322. Parallel log on 13855, Ouargla-ALG, 45533 w/ modulation disturbance.
** 9875. Thu, Feb 27, 2025. 1931-1942, Voice of Korea, Kujang-KRE, in English. A musical space during this log. BA reception: 15411. The other frequencies, 7210, 11635 and 11910, out.
** 9425. Thu, Feb 27, 2025. 1943-1953, Voice of Korea, Kujang-KRE, in German. Man announcer talking; 1946 Woman talking and a song; 1950 Man talking and other song. Poor reception: 25522.
** 13685. Thu, Feb 27, 2025. 1924-1928, China Radio International, Bamako-MLI, in Arabic. Woman talking w/ music background; 1927 Woman/man announcers talking, say ID; 1927 Ending program; 1928 Carrier closed. Good reception: 45544.
** 17675. Thu, Feb 27, 2025. 2115-2128, RNZ Pacific, Rangitaiki-NZL, in English. Man presenter interviews a man; 2125 Man talking. Poor reception: 25522.
** 9690. Thu, Feb 27, 2025. 1955-2008, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Man/woman present news, including the death of Gene Hackman and his wife, under police investigation; 2000 Pips and ID; More news. Fair reception: 35533.
** 11885. Thu, Feb 27, 2025. 1912-1922, The Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sontay-VTN, in English. Woman and man announcers talking about vietnamese culture, history and more. Fair reception: 35533 or S9+10-15.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX