
Stations listened in Friol, NW of Spain - Manuel Méndez - February 16, 2025

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol, NW of Spain
Sangean ATS 909X, Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2116-2127, 15-02, soccer, live matches. // 15189.9. 15422.

6150, Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0547-0634, 16-02, Brazilian songs, program “Faixa Brasil”. 15421.

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2001-2119, 15-02, id. “Radio Nacional, Brasilia… Empresa Brasil de Comunicaçao”. Brazilian songs, comments. // 11780. 25422.

9665,1, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2038-2055, 15-02, religious songs, Portuguese, religious comments. // 11750. 33433.

9818.6, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, seems to be out of the air this weekend.

11749.8, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2042-2105, 15-02, religious songs and comments. Portuguese. // 9665.1. 35433.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1953-2107, 15-02, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Nacional”, comments. 35433.

15189.8, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2031-2118, 15-02, Portuguese, soccer, live matches, “Copa de Brasil”, “Campeonato Mineiro”. 35433.
Also heard 0855- , 16-02, Brazilian songs, id. at 0859 “Rede Inconfidencia de Radio”, . 25422.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0753-0818, 16-02, English, comments, news. Strong QRM from Channel 292 on the same frequency. 21421.

CUBA, 5025, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0612-0745, 16-02, Cuban songs, id. “Radio Rebelde”, Spanish, comments. 35333.

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0321-0328, 16-02, Spanish, religious songs and comments. 35433.

6030, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1638-1719, 15-02, Vernacular, comments, East African songs. 25422.

6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1649-1739, 15-02, Vernacular, comments, East African songs. 23422.

6110, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1811-1834, 15-02, East African songs, Vernacular, comments. 35433.

FINLAND, 6185, RealMix Radio, Raasepori, 1625-2039, 15-02, pop songs in English, oldies, English, comments, id. “RealMix Radio on shortwave”more songs, id. “RealMix Radio on shortwave, 6185 kHz, 49 meterband, realmix.sw@gmail.com”. 24422.
Also heard *0559-0628, 16-02, songs in English, id. “This is Real MixRadio on shortwave”, . QRM from Radio Educación in the same frequency. 22422.

GERMANY, 5905, Deutscher Weterdienst, Pinneberg, 0603-0612, 16-02, German, weather report. // 6180. 45444.

INDONESIA, 4755, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, 1914- , 15-02, Indonesian songs, female, English, comments, at 2000 French program, id. “Voice of Indonesia”., news, comments, pop songs in English and Indonesia, more comments in French. 15422.

JAPAN, 6115, Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara, 0733-0750, 16-02, Japanese, comments. 15421.

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0555-0641, 16-02, interval signal, English, id., religious comments and songs. 25422.

5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1838-1903, 15-02, African songs, at 1849 “English Magazine”, news and comments about Mali and other African countries, Morroco, Burkina Faso, in English, at 1901 African songs, Vernacular, comments. 35433.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0537- , 16-02, Mexican songs, song “Malageña Salerosa”, female, comments, id. “La onda corta de Radio Educación”, classical music. At 0559 QRM from RealMix Radio, Finland, signing on in the same frequency. 24422.

MOGOLIA, 12085, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, *0900- , 16-02, interval signal, English, female, id. “Voice of Mongolia, Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in English”, news, comments, Mongolian songs. 25422.

5940, Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, 0641-0705, 16-02, pop songs and comments in English, id. “Radio Piepzender from the Netherlands, www.piepzender.nl”. 35433.

5955, Radio Veronica, Westdorpe, 0640-0655, 16-02, pop songs in English, Dutch, comments. 35433.

6140, Radio Onda, Borculo, 0720-0749, 16-02, classical music, French, comments. 35433.

7405, Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, 2003-2057, 15-02, pop and rock songs in English, id. at 2054 “Radio Piepzender, on shortwave, free radio fron the Netherlands”. 35433.

9800, Radio Delta International, Elburg, 0701-0752, 16-02, English, comments, id. “Thank you for tuning from Radio Delta International on 9800 kHz, 31 meterband”, “Good Morning Europe”, pop songs in English, oldies. 45444.

NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, out of the air this weekend.

PERU, 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0013-0022, 16-02, Spanish, comments, Peruvian songs. 15422.

TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1905-2000*, 15-02, Tajik, comments, male, female, music, Tajik songs. 15422.

7260, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, *0658-0803 , 16-02, interval signal, news at 0659, comments, pop songs in English, more comments. 15421.
9960, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0607-0658*, 16-02, Bislama, English, comments, songs in English, Island songs, id. “Radio Vanuatu”, more comments in English. 25422.

VENEZUELA, 4940, Estación 4940, 0544-0632, 16-02, religious comments and songs, Spanish. 25422. 

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