São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL **************************************************************************
#385 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - February 25, 2025
Receivers: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São Bernardo SP) + Magnetic Loop Antenna //// Tecsun S-2000 + 20 m Horizontal Antenna
=> DATA SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, Target Area, Remarks.
=> (!!) Live audio checked
=> (t): tentative
=> Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language.
1540 kHz: Radio Cultura, Leme SP, 22/02 2111. Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo retransmission. QRM from Radio Deus é Amor. 34443.
1550 kHz: Radio Cacique, Capivari SP, 22/02 2106. Announcements, id ‘Toda a cidade ligada na Cacique’. 35443.
4985 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 24/02 1612. Silent.
6010 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 24/02 1602. Songs by composers from Minas Gerais. Identification, time checking. 25442.
6180 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 22/02 2131. Sport News , ‘... Rio de Janeiro, Vasco da Gama, Botafogo, Flamengo...’, interviews. 45554.
5940 kHz: Radio Voz Missionária, 25/02 2138, still silent.
9665 kHz: Radio Voz Missionária, Camboriu SC, Id, News Bulletin, ‘... 11750, 9665 kHz... Rua Joaquim Nunes, Camboriu...’. 45554. * In the identification jingle, there is no mention to the frequency of 5940 kHz, but the announcer in the studio mentioned it. It is known that the transmitter and antenna related to the frequency of 5940 kHz were also undergoing maintenance, along with what was done in relation to the 9665 kHz frequency, which is now back on the air, with good quality. We are monitoring this situation.
9818,8 kHz: Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo SP, 24/02 1610. Brazilian songs from the past, id, ‘...programa A Música e a História...’. 45554.
11750 kHz: Radio Voz Missionária, Camboriu SC, 24/02 1620. Christian song by children, id, message. 45554.
11780 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 24/02 1625. Carnival songs. Talk by YL. 35543.
11815 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 24/02 1630. Completely distorted audio. No understanding of what is being transmitted. Strong spurious signal at 11960 kHz.
15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 23/02 0001. Full id, ‘Rede Inconfidencia... programa “Sequência de Clássicos’, talk by YL. 35553.
15400 kHz: KTWR, via Merizo, English, 24/02 1248. Christian broadcast, message by OM, mentions to the Bible, intervakl signal on 1259, in ‘KTWR...’, electronic address. 25442. *Target: S Asia.
15530 kHz: Adventist Woirld Radio, Agat, Kachin, 24/02 1302. Talk by male voice, song. 25442. *Target: SE Asia.
15600 kHz: Adventist World Radio, Agat, Mandarin, 24/02 1305. Message by YL. 25442. *Target: China.
17530 kHz: Adventist World Radio, Agat, Mandarin, 22/02 2346. Message, song by a choir, instrumental music ‘Showers of Blessings’. Sign-off on 2358. 35553. *Target: Far East.
9765 kHz: KNLS World Christian Broadcasting, via Mahajanga, Portuguese, 22/02 2153. Christian songs, Bible Reading, Psalm 86. 45554. *Target: Broadcast from Madagascar to African Portuguese-speaking nations, and to Brazil.
5995 kHz: Radio Mali, Bamako, French, 22/02 2131. Tribal style song (?), Africa, in unknown language, talk by male voice. 35443. *Target: W Africa.
15295 kHz: BBC, via Al-Seela, English, 24/02 1255. Political talk by OM / YL. Music. 35443. *Target: S Asia.
9990 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Tinang, Korean, 22/02 1942. Announcers (male and female voices) - happy communication, in a studio broadcast. 35543. *Target: North & South Korea.
15155 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Tinang, Khmer, 24/02 1252. Talk by male and female voices. 35443. *Target: SE Asia.
15435 kHz: FEBC Radio, Bocaue, Shan, 23/02 0005. Christian broadcast, song, prayer. 35543. *Target: SE Asia.
15450 kHz: FEBC Radio, Bocaue, Burmese, 23/02 0009. Christian broadcast, song, talk by male voice. 35543. *Target: SE Asia.
14980 kHz: Sound of Hope, via Miaoli, Chinese, 24/02 1250. Talk by male voice. Music. Strong QRM from CNR1 (?). 12431. *Target: China.
5980 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, 22/02 2126. Songs in Turkish, talk by OM. 35333. *Target: Europe.
15640 kHz: Radio Liberty, via Al-Dhabbiya, Dari, 24/02 1308. Talk by OM. 35543. *Target: Afghanistan
9930 kHz: WTWW, Lebanon, English, 22/02 2340. Christian broadcast, message, preaching in a closed place (church?), with demonstrations from the public present at the event, frequent applause. 35553. *Target: North America.
9980 kHz: WWCR, Nashville, English, 22/02 2147. Interview, communication by male and female voices, phone-in. 25442. *Target: North America.
*** Psalm 19:1 - "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands".
73 & good DX, rg
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL **************************************************************************
#385 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - February 25, 2025
Receivers: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São Bernardo SP) + Magnetic Loop Antenna //// Tecsun S-2000 + 20 m Horizontal Antenna
=> DATA SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, Target Area, Remarks.
=> (!!) Live audio checked
=> (t): tentative
=> Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language.
1540 kHz: Radio Cultura, Leme SP, 22/02 2111. Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo retransmission. QRM from Radio Deus é Amor. 34443.
1550 kHz: Radio Cacique, Capivari SP, 22/02 2106. Announcements, id ‘Toda a cidade ligada na Cacique’. 35443.
4985 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 24/02 1612. Silent.
6010 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 24/02 1602. Songs by composers from Minas Gerais. Identification, time checking. 25442.
6180 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 22/02 2131. Sport News , ‘... Rio de Janeiro, Vasco da Gama, Botafogo, Flamengo...’, interviews. 45554.
5940 kHz: Radio Voz Missionária, 25/02 2138, still silent.
9665 kHz: Radio Voz Missionária, Camboriu SC, Id, News Bulletin, ‘... 11750, 9665 kHz... Rua Joaquim Nunes, Camboriu...’. 45554. * In the identification jingle, there is no mention to the frequency of 5940 kHz, but the announcer in the studio mentioned it. It is known that the transmitter and antenna related to the frequency of 5940 kHz were also undergoing maintenance, along with what was done in relation to the 9665 kHz frequency, which is now back on the air, with good quality. We are monitoring this situation.
9818,8 kHz: Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo SP, 24/02 1610. Brazilian songs from the past, id, ‘...programa A Música e a História...’. 45554.
11750 kHz: Radio Voz Missionária, Camboriu SC, 24/02 1620. Christian song by children, id, message. 45554.
11780 kHz: Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF, 24/02 1625. Carnival songs. Talk by YL. 35543.
11815 kHz: Radio Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 24/02 1630. Completely distorted audio. No understanding of what is being transmitted. Strong spurious signal at 11960 kHz.
15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 23/02 0001. Full id, ‘Rede Inconfidencia... programa “Sequência de Clássicos’, talk by YL. 35553.
15400 kHz: KTWR, via Merizo, English, 24/02 1248. Christian broadcast, message by OM, mentions to the Bible, intervakl signal on 1259, in ‘KTWR...’, electronic address. 25442. *Target: S Asia.
15530 kHz: Adventist Woirld Radio, Agat, Kachin, 24/02 1302. Talk by male voice, song. 25442. *Target: SE Asia.
15600 kHz: Adventist World Radio, Agat, Mandarin, 24/02 1305. Message by YL. 25442. *Target: China.
17530 kHz: Adventist World Radio, Agat, Mandarin, 22/02 2346. Message, song by a choir, instrumental music ‘Showers of Blessings’. Sign-off on 2358. 35553. *Target: Far East.
9765 kHz: KNLS World Christian Broadcasting, via Mahajanga, Portuguese, 22/02 2153. Christian songs, Bible Reading, Psalm 86. 45554. *Target: Broadcast from Madagascar to African Portuguese-speaking nations, and to Brazil.
5995 kHz: Radio Mali, Bamako, French, 22/02 2131. Tribal style song (?), Africa, in unknown language, talk by male voice. 35443. *Target: W Africa.
15295 kHz: BBC, via Al-Seela, English, 24/02 1255. Political talk by OM / YL. Music. 35443. *Target: S Asia.
9990 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Tinang, Korean, 22/02 1942. Announcers (male and female voices) - happy communication, in a studio broadcast. 35543. *Target: North & South Korea.
15155 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Tinang, Khmer, 24/02 1252. Talk by male and female voices. 35443. *Target: SE Asia.
15435 kHz: FEBC Radio, Bocaue, Shan, 23/02 0005. Christian broadcast, song, prayer. 35543. *Target: SE Asia.
15450 kHz: FEBC Radio, Bocaue, Burmese, 23/02 0009. Christian broadcast, song, talk by male voice. 35543. *Target: SE Asia.
14980 kHz: Sound of Hope, via Miaoli, Chinese, 24/02 1250. Talk by male voice. Music. Strong QRM from CNR1 (?). 12431. *Target: China.
5980 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Turkish, 22/02 2126. Songs in Turkish, talk by OM. 35333. *Target: Europe.
15640 kHz: Radio Liberty, via Al-Dhabbiya, Dari, 24/02 1308. Talk by OM. 35543. *Target: Afghanistan
9930 kHz: WTWW, Lebanon, English, 22/02 2340. Christian broadcast, message, preaching in a closed place (church?), with demonstrations from the public present at the event, frequent applause. 35553. *Target: North America.
9980 kHz: WWCR, Nashville, English, 22/02 2147. Interview, communication by male and female voices, phone-in. 25442. *Target: North America.
*** Psalm 19:1 - "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands".
73 & good DX, rg
Parabéns, Grimm! Sempre um deleite acompanhar seus logs. Forte 73,
ResponderExcluirObrigado, meu grande amigo!