
Logs: December 14, 2024 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs December 14, 2024
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 15435. Sat, Dec 14, 2024. 0325-0335, China Radio International, Xian-Xianyang-CHN, in Russian (Radio Kitay). A chinese melody; Woman says ID and repeats; Woman/man announcers talking, with brief pieces of songs; They say ID several times. Good reception: 45544.
Parallel logs on 7325kas, just audible; 11710uru, 45554; 17710jin, off the air.
** 9490. Sat, Dec 14, 2024. 0246-0300, Radio República, Issoudun-F, in Spanish. Man, woman and reporters collaborators presents news, mainly about the cuban undemocratic regime; ID and station programming announcements; Woman/man announcers talking; Radio República, la Voz del Directorio Democratico Cubano; 0300 Ending. Fair reception for this CLA Station: 35533.
** 11810. Sat, Dec 14, 2024. 0301-0310, KBS World Radio, Gimge-KOR, in Korean. Man and woman present a newsletter, presumably. Very poor reception: 25422.
** 9755 (*). Sat, Dec 14, 2024. 0338-0400, MWV-La Voz Alegre, Mahajanga-MDG, in Spanish. Man Pastor makes a christian message - El Culto Cristiano; 0345 A music by choir; 0348 Woman announcer says a christian message too; 0350 A religious hymn; 0355 Program "Momento de Reflexión", conducted by woman communication; 0358 The ends of programming presented by man/woman announcers. Good reception: 45544.
(*) 9755 new frequency, former 6180mah.
Researching...after midnight:
** 9755. Sun, Dec 15, 2024. 0322-0335, MWV-La Voz Alegre, Mahajanga-MDG, in Spanish. New and old frequencies, 9755 & 6180, both off the air, this time, here.
** 9410. Sat, Dec 14, 2024. 0312-0322, BBC, Al-Seela-OMA, in Pashto. Man/woman announcers present  news during this log. Poor reception: 25522.
Parallel log on 12095sla, 25411.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3) 
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX 

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