
#378 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - November 29, 2024

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL  ************************************************************************************ 
#378 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - November 29, 2024  
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São  Bernardo SP) 
Antenna: Magnetic Loop Antenna 
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, Target Area, Remarks. 
=> (t): tentative
=> Brazilian stations: in Portuguese language
9655 kHz: KBS World Radio, via Georgetown, French, 25/11 2042. Talk by male voice, instrumental music. 35553. *Target: W Africa.
17650 kHz: Reach Beyond Australia, Kununurra, Japanese, 26/11 2240. Christian broadcast, preaching by OM. 35553. *Target: Japan.
1370 kHz: Radio Canção Nova, Curitiba PR, 26/11 0000. Talk by YL, id ‘... Canção Nova, Curitiba, ZYJ267 1370 kHz, Canção Nova, nós espalhamos o amor pelo ar....’ 25542.
1430 kHz: Radio Serra Negra, Serra Negra SP, 26/11 0010. Commercial advertisements mentioning the city of Serra Negra, several times. 25422.
15640 kHz: Radio Liberty, via Kuwait, Dari, 25/11 1240. Talk by two YL. 25442. *Target: Afghanistan.
7570 kHz: Voice of Korea, Kujang, English, 22/11 2103. Instrumental music, talk by male voice. News. 35543. *Target: Europe.
9875 kHz: Voice of Korea, Kujang, Mandarin, 22/11 2143. Song, talk by YL. 35432. *Target: China.
11735 kHz: Voice of Korea, Kujang, 17/11 0342. Songs in Korean (female voices), talk by YL, interval signal and id ‘This is Voice of Korea’ on 0400. 15421. *Target: Asia.
15680 kHz: Hope Radio 4, Palau Medorn, English, 17/11 0328. Comments, instrumental music, sign-off on 0335. 15421. *Target: SE Asia. **A single 35-minute block of programming per week (100 kW), on Sundays from 0300 to 0335 UTC.
9990 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Tinang, Korean, 22/11 2119. Comments by YL, ‘Ukraine, Russia, Europe...’. 35553. *Target: Far East.
15155  kHz: R. Free Asia, via Tinang, 25/11 1250. Comments by OM, phone-in, music. 25442. *Target to SE Asia.
17820 kHz: Radio Pilipinas, Tinang, English, 17/11 0252. Talk by OM ‘... Philippines...’, song. 35333. *Target: Middle East.
7375 kHz: Radio Romania International, via Galbeni, 22/11 2113. Song, News Bulletin. 35443. *Target: S Europe.
17800 kHz: Radio Romania International, via Galbeni, French, 23/11 1138. Typical songs in Romanian, talk by YL. 35433. *Target: S Europe.
15575 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via AL-Dhabbiya, Tibetan, 25/11 1210. Typical instrumental music, talk by OM/YL. 25442. *Target: Tibet. **No jamming.
21595 kHz: Radio Ergo, Radio Irin, via Al-Dhabbiya, Somali, 27/11 1252. Talk by OM, typical song. 35543. *Target: Kenya, Africa.
17575 kHz DRM: BBC World Service, Woofferton, English, 18/11 1502. Comments, interview, global aspects of the economy. 35553. *Target: S Asia.
9930 kHz: WWTW The Overcomer Ministry, Lebanon, English, 22/11 2135. Religious preaching by YL. 35443. *Target: North America.
15770 kHz: WRMI Supreme Master TV, via Okeechobee, 17/11 0308. Talk by OM / YL. Teachings on physical and mental health, instrumental music. According Internet, Supreme Master Television is a US-based satellite and internet television channel owned by the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, broadcasting from Los Angeles. Its programming is centered primarily on vegetarian and vegan principles according to Ching Hai's teachings'. 25432. *Target: United States of America.  
***Psalm 116.1: 
“I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications”.
73 & good DX, rg 

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