...where the KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL) is installed (behind the trees) - São Bernardo SP GG66rg, SE BRAZIL


KiwiSDR Mbutuy (Levi Iversen), PARAGUAY

Our kiwiSDR (São Bernardo, BRAZIL) was deactivated for a week, and during this period I dedicated myself to researching the reception capacity of some kiwis in South America, finding the kiwiSDR installed in Mbutuy (Paraguay), owned by Levi Iversen, in a very favorable condition for good reception on medium waves, both during the day and at night. I made contact with Levi, receiving the green light to publish the results obtained with his kiwiSDR (Mbutuy), for which I am immensely grateful.
Frequency, country, station, location, UTC time, SINPO (*)
580 kHz B: Radio Grande Lago, Santa Helena PR, 1415 – 25552
590 kHz PRG: Radio Ycuámandyyá, San Pedro, 1420 – 25542
620 kHz PRG: Radio Ñasandy, San Estanislao, 1425 – 35553
640 kHz PRG: Radio Caaguazú, Coronel Oviedo, 1429 – 25552
660 kHz PRG: Radio Regional, Concepción, 1431 – 25552
810 kHz B: Radio Educadora, Ubá MG, 1433 – 25552
840 kHz PRG: Radio Guairá, Villarica, 1434 - 25552
850 kHz B: Radio Atalaia, Campo Erê PR, 2225 – 34543
1050 kHz ARG: Radio Rural, San Francisco, 33543 – 2218
1110 kHz B: Radio Cruzeiro do Sul, Itaqui RS, 2200 – 34533
1120 kHz PRG: Radio La Deportiva, San Lorenzo, 1436 – 25552
1140 kHz PRG: Central Radio, Ypané, 1438 - 25552
1160 kHz B: Radio Luz e Alegria, Frederico Westphalen RS, 2206 – 35543
1190 kHz PRG: Radio El Verbo, Hermandarias, 1440 – 15441
1250 kHz PRG: RCC Radio (t), Asunción, 1442 – 25552
1260 kHz B: Radio Cultura, Sâo Borja RS, 2204 – 24542
1290 kHz: B: Radio Brasil Sul, Londrina PR, 2201 - 35543
1320 kHz B: RCI Radio, Foz do Iguaçu PR, 1445 – 35553
1330 kHz PRG: Radio Chaco Boreal, Asunción, 1445 – 35553
1350 kHz B: Radio Difusora, Três Passos RS, 2155 – 35543
1400 kHz B: Radio Jornal, São Miguel do Iguaçu PR, 2150 – 24522  
1410 kHz B: Radio Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa RS, 2145 – 25542
(*) Several of these stations were identified by checking the respective streaming.
Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL 

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