...where the KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL) is installed (behind the trees) - São Bernardo SP GG66rg, SE BRAZIL


Reception in São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL - January 8, 2019

January 8, 2019 (Time in UTC) 
Rx: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo) + Mini Whip Antenna (PA0RDT Standard)  

11745 kHz SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Azm Radio, via Jeddah, AA, 08/01 1813. A typical instrumental music (by flute). Commentary by male voice. 25542 (RG). Tx w/300º Az to Yemen. According WRTH: 'On Short Wave since 11 September 2017. Produced by Saudi Broadcasting Corporation for Saudi military personnel serving in Yemen and Southern Saudi Arabia'. 
11860 kHz SAUDI ARABIA: Republic of Yemen Radio, via Jeddah, AA, 08/01 1820. Commentary by female voice. Instrumental music. OM: talk. 35553 (RG). Tx to Yemen. According WRTH: 'Broadcasts in support of Yemeni president Hadi and the Aden-based provisional government. Appears to be a relocated service, formerly produced by the Yemen General Corp. for Radio & TV in Sana'a (after that the Sana'a broadcasting house came under rebel control). Possibly in state radio studios in Aden, or in Saudi Arabia. Assumed to be aired via a transmitter in Saudi Arabia'. 
NOTE: The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing conflict that began in 2015 between two factions: the internationally recognized Yemeni government, led by Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies. 

9785 kHz FRANCE: Deutsche Welle, via Issoudun, Hausa, 08/01 1807. Commentary by male voices, phone-in. 25542 (RG). Tx w/172º Az to Africa. 
9810 kHz FRANCE: Radio France International, Issoudun, FF, 08/01 1802. Nx bulletin by male voice. 35543 (RG). Tx w/200º Az to North/West of Africa. 
11940 kHz SPAIN: Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas, SS, 08/01 1900. Nx bulletin by male and female voices. 35553 (RG). Tx w/240º Az to Northern South America. 

(RG) - Rudolf Grimm 
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL 
YouTube Channel: GrimmSBC 

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