
Stations listened in Friol, NW of Spain - Manuel Méndez - January 31, 2025

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol, NW of Spain
Sangean ATS 909X, Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters

ALASKA, 6075, KNLS, Anchor Point, *0800-0809, 31-01, interval signal, English, id. “… New Life Station…”, religious comments and songs. 15422.

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0607-0639, 31-01, Brazilian songs. Strong teletype QRM. 21421.

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0546-0707, 31-01, Brazilian songs, music, program “Memoria Nacional”. 25422.

6150, Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0544-0633, 31-01, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Saturno”, comments, pogram “Faixa Brasil”. 25422.

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2032-2116, 30-01, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs, at 2106 id. “A Radio Nacional”, “O Mundo da Bola”, soccer news. // 11780. 25422.

9818.6, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0725-0741, 31-01, religious comments and songs, id. “Radio 9 de Julho”. 25422.

11750, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2004-2038, 30-01, religious comments in English, id. “Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, Santa Catalina, Brasil”, religious comments and songs, Portuguese. 35433.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1905-2118, 30-01, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Nacional” 35433.

15189.9, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1938-2105, 30-01, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs, id. “Inconfidencia”, at 2000 “A Hora do Fazendeiro”, “inconfidencia.com.br”, songs, “Noticiário Rural”, rural news, Brazilian songs. 35433.
Also heard 0814-0832, 31-01, Brazilian songs, id. at 0825 “5 horas 24 minutos, Radio Inconfidencia”. 25422.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0802-0821, 31-01, English, news, comments. Strong QRM from Channel 292 on the safe frequency. 21421.

5930, World Music Radio, Bramming, 1732-1748, 30-01, songs in English, id. “World Music Radio”, more songs. // 15700. 25422.

5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 2017-2042, 30-01, pop and rock songs in English. 25422.

15700, World Music Radio, Randers, 0731-0749, 31-01, songs, id. “WMR, World Music Radio”. 45444.

25800, World Music Radio, Marslet, 0921-0933, 31-01, songs in English, other songs. // 15700. 25422.

6030, Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 1704-1725, 30-01, Vernacular, comments. 25422.

6090, Vocie of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1706-1724, 30-01, Vernacular, comments. 15422.

3985, Radio Slovakia International, Kall Krekel, 1930-1958, 30-01, Spanish, id. “Radio Eslovaquia Internacional”, news and comments about Slovakia in Spanish, songs. 25422.

INDONESIA, 4755, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2006-2044, 30-01, French, comments. 15421.

6055, Radio Nekkei 1, Chiba-Nagara, 0803-0817, 31-01, Japanese, comments. 15321.

6115, Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara, 0742-0805, 31-01, Japanese, comments, songs in English. 15422.

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0600-0709, 31-01, English, religious comments and songs, program “Back to the Bible”. 25422.

5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0605-0648, 31-01, Vernacular, comments, African songs. 45444.

9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0815-0827, 31-01, African music and songs, Vernacular, comments. 35433.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0543-0746, 31-01, Spanish, comments, id. “Cultura México Señal Internacional, la onda corta de Radio Educación”, music, Méxican songs, classical music. 24422.

MOGOLIA, 12085, Voice of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, *0900-0916, 31-01, interval signal, female, English, id. “Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in English”, news, comments, Mongolian songs. 25422.

NETHERLANDS, 5955, Radio Veronica, Westdorpe, 0602-0631, 31-01, Dutch, news, comments, advertisements, pop songs in English. 25422.

NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 1733-1900, 30-01, pop songs in English, id. at 1800 “This is Radio Northern Star”, comments in English, more songs, new id. at 1859. 25422.

PERU, 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 0022-0027, 31-01, Spanish, comments. 15421.

TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1918-2000*, 30-01, Tajik, comments, songs. 15421.

VANAUTU, 9960, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila 0631-0658*, 31-01, unreadable comments and songs, extremely weak today. 14411.

VENEZUELA, 4940, Estación 4940, 0550-0628, 31-01, Spanish, religious comments and songs. 25422. 

#19 Video / Audio: 7425 kHz Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, via Zahedan IRAN (2017)

7425 kHz: Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, via Zahedan IRAN 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm 
RECEIVER: Tecsun S-2000, RGP Aluminum Magnetic Loop Antenna

#70 QSL-card: 4910 kHz All India Radio, via Jaipur INDIA (2015)

STATION: All India Radio, via Jaipur INDIA  
FREQUENCY: 4910 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, September 25, 2015 - 0115 UTC 
RECEIVER: Kenwood R-1000, 6 m Vertical Antenna 
QSL-card received in 40 days. 


#382 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - January 30, 2025

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL  ************************************************************************************ 
#382 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - January 30, 2025  
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São  Bernardo SP) + Magnetic Loop Antenna
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, Target Area, Remarks. 
=> (!) Live audio checked 
=> (t): tentative 
=> Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language
6075 kHz: KNLS New Life Station, Anchor Point, English, 24/01 0855. Christian contemporary music, talk by male voice. SIgn-off on 0859. 25332. *Target: Far East.
3310 kHz: Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, Quechua, 29/01 2326. Cumbias, advs, id, commentary ‘Camara Municipal, Camara Nacional, Presidente de la Federacion, Ley Laboral...’, instrumental music. 35543. *Target: Bolivia.
6070 kHz: CFRX Toronto, Toronto, English, 24/01 0846. News Bulletin by OM / YL, ‘...Canada, Montreal...’, interview. 25321. *Target: North America. **Live audio checked.
3950 kHz: PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, Mandarin, 29/01 0018. Commentary by OM / YL, instrumental typical music. 25422. *Target: China.
3990 kHz: PBS Gannan, Hezuo, Chinese, 29/01 0019. Commentary by OM, instrumental typical music. 25322. *Target: China.
25800 kHz: World Music Radio, Marslet, Multilingual, 28/01 1535. International contemporary music. 15321. *Target: Europe.
6055 kHz: Radio Nikkei 1, Chiba, Japanese, 24/01 0837. Pop songs in English language, commentary by male voice. 25222;*Target: Japan, Far East.
6115 kHz: Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba, Japanese, 24/01 0902. Pop songs in English language. 35533. *Target: Japan, Far East.
4775 kHz: Radio Tarma, Tarma, Spanish, 29/01 0009. Incendiary speech by a male voice, in an external local, comments by a male voice in the broadcaster's studio. 25432. *Target: Peru.
4955 kHz: Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, Spanish, 29/01 2334. Commentary by male voice, instrumental music (by flute, Peruvian style). 25432. *¨Target: Peru.
15120 kHz: Radio Free Asia, via Tinang, Burmese, 27/01 1248. Commentary by OM / YL. 35543. *Target: Myanmar.
5010 kHz: The Overcomer Ministry (t), Okeechobee, English, 29/01 2346. Religious program, sermon, song 'Hallelujah', similar to the programs of The Overcomer Ministry. No references to this transmission on EiBi, AoKi, HFCC, Shortwave Schedule, Google...
At 0000 UTC the identification of WRMI, therefore, may be a new block of transmissions offered by WRMI, without official disclosure yet to the known information banks. 35543. *Target: Caribbean.
15135 kHz: BBC, via Tashkent, Korean, 27/01 1255. Commentary by OM / YL, music, sign-off on 1259. 25542. *Target: North & South Korea. 
*** Psalm 90:1 “God, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations”. 
73 & good DX, rg 

#18 Video / Audio: 15315 kHz Radio Sawtu Linjiila (Voice of Gospel), via Issoudun FRANCE (2017)

15315 kHz: Radio Sawtu Linjiila (Voice of Gospel), via Issoudun FRANCE 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm 
RECEIVER: Icom IC-R75, AOR LA400 Indoor Magnetic Loop Antenna 

#69 Letter: 630 kHz LS5 Radio Rivadavia, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA (1999)

STATION: LS5 Radio Rivadavia, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, July 4, 1999 - 2354 UTC
RECEIVER: Kenwood R-1000, 6 m Vertical Antenna 
Letter received in 28 days. 


Logs: January 29, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 29, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 9855. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 2036-2046, NHK World Japan, Issoudun-F, in French. Man announcer presents a newsletter, mainly about the distorted DJT government; 2040 Man says ID and begins a "Japanese Lesson", presented by woman/man announcers. Good reception: 55555.
** 9425. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 2024-2035, Voice of Korea-KCBS, Kujang-KRE, in Korean. Man talking, it seems a speech, w/ excitement; 2026 A song, a "patriotic" song by female choir; 2030 Man and woman talking. Fair reception: 35533.
** 12095. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 1740-1750, BBC, Al-Seela-OMA, in Amharic. Woman talking news, presumably; 1747 Man announcer talking too; 1749 Music; Woman says ID. Fair reception: 35533.  
** 12095. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 1750-1800, BBC, Al-Seela-OMA, in Oromo. Fast music pause, ID and begining oromo edition: Woman talking; She makes an interview w/ a man; 1757 Woman talking news. Fair reception: 35533.
** 9925. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 1802-1813, Radyo Pilipinas, Tinang-PHL, in Filipino/Tagalog. Woman/man announcers present news; ID. Fair reception: 35533. Parallel on 12120phl, 45544.
** 5960. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 2048-2057, Radio Romania International, Saftica-ROU, in Serbian. Woman/man announcers talking; 2055 Woman talking, says RRI sked in serbian; 2056 IS. Weak reception: 35422.
** 17715. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 1953-2006, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Men and woman announcers narrating and comment a football match between Brest vs Real Madrid and Barcelona vs Atalanta into program "Tablero Deportivo" by RNE/REE. Good reception: 55555.
** 17755. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 1815-1825, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Woman announcer interviews a man; REE announcement and return a couple of announcers w/ news; ID. Good reception: 45554.
** 5900. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 2012-2022, National United Radio, Tanshui-TWN, in Korean. Man and woman announcers talking; 2021 Music. Poor reception: 25522.
** 7530. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 2111-2120, The Voice of The Martyrs, Tashkent-UZB, in Korean. Man talking, preaching; 2116 Woman begining a preaching, presumably. Poor reception for this CLA Station: 25532.
** 7625. Wed, Jan 29, 2025. 2100-2110, The Voice of The Martyrs, Tashkent-UZB, in Chinese. Man talking, preaching, presumably. Fair reception: 35533. CLA Station.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX 

#17 Video / Audio: 9940 kHz TWR Africa, Manzini SWAZILAND (2016)

9940 kHz: TWR Africa, Manzini, SWAZILAND 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm
RECEIVER: Icom IC-R75, RGP Magnetic MiniLoop Antenna

#68 e-QSL: 9290 kHz KTWR, via Yerevan ARMENIA (2021)

FREQUENCY: 9290 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, February 20, 2021 1345 UTC 
RECEIVER: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo SP), PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna 
e-QSL received in 8 days.


Logs: January 28, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 28, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 15580. Tue, Jan 28, 2025. 1942-1956, Voice of America, Moepeng Hill-BOT, English Svce. Woman/man  announcers talking in slow english; 1949 A brief music pause and return communications w/ a English Lesson, it seems. Fair reception: 35533.
** 9610. Tue, Jan 28, 2025. 2151-2205: A true collision between Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in English, and CNR 8 in Mongolian. Man/woman announcers talking, in english, and mongolian traditional music.
** 11760. Tue, Jan 28, 2025. 2000-2011, Radio France Internationale, Issoudun-F, in Hausa. Woman says ID and presents a newsletter; 2005 ID; Now, man announcer participating too. Fair reception: 35533.
** 15300. Tue, Jan 28, 2025. 1900-1930, Radio France Internationale, Issoudun-F, in French. IS and ID; Man/woman announcers present news, with reporters participation; 1930 ID: RFI by woman. Good reception: 45554.
** 7455. Tue, Jan 28, 2025. 2207-2222, Voice of America, Tinang-PHL, in Khmer. Man/woman announcers talking news, presumed; 2219 ID and more news. Poor reception w/ old jamming interference by RTTY transmission: 33532. 
See, below, this old log:
** 7455. Sun, Nov 24, 2024. 2210-2220, Voice of America, USAGM Tinang-PHL, in Khmer. Man and woman announcers talking during this log. Poor reception with moderate interference by unknown RTTY transmission: 33522.
** 9580. Tue, Jan 28, 2025. 2224-2235, BBC, Tinang-PHL, in English. Woman announcer in conversation w/ a man; 2229 She says ID and more; 2230 Woman/man talking news; A conversation w/ a woman. Fair reception: 35533.
** 9730. Tue, Jan 28, 2025. 2013-2025, The Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sontay-VTN, in German. Woman announcer talking during this log. Fair reception: 35533. Parallel on 11885son, 35533.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX


Logs: January 26, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 26, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 9545. Sun, Jan 26, 2025. 1931-1942, BBC, Ascension Island-ASC, in Hausa. Woman talking news; ID; 1935 She talking w/ other woman, a nigerian woman, of course. Fair reception: 35533.
** 12010. Sun, Jan 26, 2025. 1911-1920, Follow The Bible Ministries, Ascension Island-ASC, in English. Pastor makes a preaching. Good reception: 45544. Parallel on 11660asc, 45554.
** 11760. Sun, Jan 26, 2025. 2012-2022, Radio France Internationale, Issoudun-F, in Hausa. Man/woman announcers present news, mainly about Nigerian themes; 2019 More news. Poor reception: 35422.
** 9705. Sun, Jan 26, 2025. 2000-2010, Radio Vaticana, SMdiGaleria-CVA, in English. Music; ID by man announcer: It´s the Africa Service od Vatican Radio; Man and woman announcers say news about the catholic activities at this week. Fair reception: 35533.
** 11870. Sun, Jan 26, 2025. 1945-2000, Radio Vaticana, SMdiGaleria-CVA, in Latin. The catholic cleric and people assistance praying The Rosary, all in latin language; 1958 Ending The Rosary and a holy music; 1959 RV IS. Good reception: 45554. Parallel logs on 9705smg, fair reception: 35533 and 11755smg, poor reception: 35422.
** 12040. Sun, Jan 26, 2025. 1921-1930, Voice of America, SMdiGaleria-CVA, in Tigrinya. Woman/man announcers and collaborators present news; 1929 Woman says ID w/ music background. Fair reception: 45433.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX 

#16 Video / Audio: 6972,5 kHz Lupo Radio, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA (2017)

6972,5 kHz: Lupo Radio, Buenos Aires ARGENTINA 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm 
RECEIVER: Icom IC-R8500, RGP Coaxial Cable Square Loop Antenna 

#67 QSL-card: 7120 kHz Radio Deutsche Welle, via Krasnodar RUSSIA (2007)

STATION: Radio Deutsche Welle, via Krasnodar RUSSIA
FREQUENCY: 7120 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, November 3, 2007 - 0130 UTC
RECEIVER: Kenwood R-1000, 20 m Horizontal Antenna 
QSL-card received in 63 days. 

WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1605 - January 25, 2025

The latest edition (January 25, 2025) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News", compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted: http://topnews.wwdxc.de 

It can also be downloaded as a txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de   .  
Best regards, 
Michael Bethge
Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
E-Mail: mail@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de 


#15 Video / Audio: 234 kHz RTL, Beidweiler LUXEMBOURG (2018)

234 kHz: RTL, Beidweiler LUXEMBOURG 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm 
RECEIVER: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo SP BRAZIL), Mini Whip Antenna 

#66 QSL-card: 5900 kHz Radio Deutsche Welle, via Novosibirsk RUSSIA (2008)

STATION: Radio Deutsche Welle, via Novosibirsk RUSSIA
FREQUENCY: 5900 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, on February 04, 2008 - 2230 UTC 
QSL-card  received in 54 days. 

Logs: January 23, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 23, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 15390. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 0108-0118, China National Radio 13-Uyghur Radio, Lingshi-CHN, in Uyghur. Man announcer talking news, presumably, w/ a fast music pause between them. Good reception: 45554.
** 15570. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 0155-0207, China National Radio 11, Baoji-Sifangshan-CHN, Tibetan Svce. Woman announcer talking; 0200 Music and man announcer says ID, presumed; Woman repeats, too; 0201 Woman/man announcers talking news (?). Fair reception: 35533.
** 15360. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 1846-1856, Iran Radio-The Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, Sirjan-IRN, in Hausa. Man announcer talking during this log. Poor reception: 35522.
** 13765. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 1910-1920, Voice of America, Umm Al-Rimam-KWT, in Tigrinya. Man announcer in conversation w/ a man; 1917 Woman participates too; ID. Poor reception: 35422. Parallel on 12040smg, 45544.
** 9800. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 1942-1952, Voice of America, Tinang-PHL, in Korean. Man/woman announcers talking; 1949 a brief music pause and return announcers communications. Poor reception: 25522.
** 15110. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 0044-0105, Radio Free Asia, Tinang-PHL, in Burmese. Woman in conversation w/ other woman; 0045 RFA ID and returns woman announcer communication; 0049 Now, she talking with a man; 0053 Man announcer in conversation w/ a woman; 0100 RFA jingle ID and burmese edition continues. This night, here (Local Time in Cabedelo-PB, 9:44PM-10:05PM, Jan 22), arriving good relay Philippines: 45554.
** 15190. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 1835-1845, Radio Pilipinas, Tinang-PHL, in Filipino/Tagalog. Woman announcer interviews a filipino authority, presumably; ID. Good reception: 45544.
Parallel log on 15245, Paochung-TWN, good reception, too: 45554.
** 9700. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 0142-0152, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti-ROU, in Romanian. Two men talking; 0148 Woman talking and a conversation w/ a woman. Fair reception: 35533.
** 9690. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 0120-0135, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas-E, in Spanish. Man announcer in conversation with a man; 0123 A song; 0125 Woman/man announcers talking, w/ pieces of song; 0130 Pips and REE ID; Now, man/woman announcers present the program "Hora America": News at moment, mainly about DJT 3th inauguration day. Good reception and moderate fading: 45533. Note: The other frequencies, 12030, 17715 and 17755, all off-air!
** 17700. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 1929-1941, Voice of America, Greenville-NC, in French. Music; 1930 ID and man announcer presents a newsletter; 1935 ID: VOA Afrique; Now, woman/man present african news. Good reception: 45544.
** 12075. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 1857-1908, Voice of America, SMdiGaleria-CVA, French Svce. Woman/man announcers present news; 1900 Music and next man/woman talk news, all about President DJT and his orders this 4th inauguration day. Good reception: 45544.
** 11885. Thu, Jan 23, 2025. 1921-1928, The Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi-Sontay-VTN, in English. Woman/man announcers talking; 1924 A song by female singer; 1927 Man talks, says ID; 1928 Ending this edition. Fair reception: 35533.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX 


#14 Video / Audio: 7280 kHz TWR India, via Tashkent UZBEKISTAN (2018)

7280 kHz: TWR India, via Tashkent UZBEKISTAN
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm 
RECEIVER: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo SP), PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna

#65 Letter: 4875 kHz Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz BOLIVIA (1999)

STATION: Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz BOLIVIA 
FREQUENCY: 4875 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, on September 20, 1999 - 2239 UTC 
Letter received in 37 days. 


#13 Video / Audio: 15155 kHz Adventist World Radio, via Trincomalee SRI LANKA (2016)

15155 kHz Adventist World Radio, via Trincomalee SRI LANKA 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm
RECEIVER: Kenwood R-1000, AOR LA400 Indoor Magnetic Loop Antenna

#64 QSL-card: 621 kHz RTBF, Wavre BELGIUM (2001)

RECEPTION IN: Wolfsburg GERMANY (*), on January 31, 2001 - 2220 UTC
(*) On a trip to Germany
QSL-card received in16 days. 

#381 Reception in Southeastern Brazil - January 21, 2025

Rudolf Grimm
São Bernardo SP (GG66rg) / Ibiuna SP (GG66hh), BRAZIL  ************************************************************************************ 
#381 RECEPTION IN SÃO BERNARDO SP - January 21, 2025  
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL, São  Bernardo SP / Icom IC-R8500, in Ibiuna SP) 
Antenna: Magnetic Loop Antenna / AOR LA-400 Indoor Magnetic loop Antenna
=> SEQUENCE: Country, Frequency, Broadcaster, Transmitter Site, Language, Date & UTC Time, Details Observed, SINPO, Target Area, Remarks. 
=> (!) Live audio checked
=> (t): tentative
=> Brazilian stations: all in Portuguese language
13640 kHz: Ifrikya FM, via Bechar, Arabic, 13/01 2204. Songs in African style. 25542. *Target: C Africa.
13855 kHz: Ifrikya FM, via Ourgla, Arabic. 13/01 2247. Songs in African style, id, comments by OM. 25552. *Target: W Africa.
750 kHz: Radio CBN Vale, São José dos Campos SP, 18/01 0103. Identification ‘CBN... Jornal da CBN, Repórter CBN... CBN, as principais notícias do dia, a cada meia hora.... CBN Vale.’ 35543. *Used a rx Icom IC-R8500 + AOR LA400 Indoor Antenna, in Ibiuna SP.
860 kHz: Radio Cidade, Fortaleza CE, 17/01 0438. Comments, local News, ‘...Sobral..., Fortaleza...’, identification ‘Cidade’, time checking. 25322.
880 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 17/01 0450. Brazilian songs, id ‘Inconfidencia...’). 45554 (A strong signal!!!). *// 6010 kHz.
1080 kHz: Rede Aleluia, Brasilia DF, 17/01 0500. Comments about ‘Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Brasilia’. 23422. *QRM: 1080 Radio Deus é Amor, Juiz de Fora MG’.
15190 kHz: Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 17/01 0244. Brazilian songs, id ‘Radio Inconfidencia’. 35443. *// 6010 kHz.
6050 kHz: HCJB, Quito, Spanish, 14/01 2350. Christian broadcast, songs, commentary by male and female voices, ‘Conexion... laborales...’. 35333. *Target: South America. ** It's been a long time since I got a signal like the one I received today. No QRM from PBS Xizang, just the signal from HCJB.
17550 kHz: Bible Voice Broadcasting, via Nauen, Nuer, 14/01 1444. Christian broadcast, preaching, song. 25422. *Target: NE Africa. ** Nuer is a tonal language spoken in South Sudan and Ethiopia. It's part of the Nilo-Saharan language family and is closely related to Dinka and Atuot (Wikipedia).
9885 kHz: Adventist World Radio, Agat, Korean, 14/01 2034. Christian broadcast, message by male voice. 35553. *Target: N & S Korea.
13705 kHz: NHK Radio Japan, Yamata, Thai, 13/01 2300. Instrumental music, time pips, begin of a new transmission block, id by YL ‘Radio Japan’, News Bulletin. 35553. *Target: SE Asia.
6050 kHz: ELWA Radio, Monrovia, English, 14/01 2047. Christian broadcast, message by male voice, Christian songs. 15321. *Target: Africa. ** 2100 QRM PBS Xizang,
6065 kHz: Adventist World Radio, via Talata-Volonondry, Malagasy, 17/01 0312. Christian broadcast, message, song, instrumental music. 35443. *Target: Madagascar, E Africa.
5995 kHz: Radio Mali, Bamako, Bambara (?), 14/01 2039. Songs, talk by male voice. 25432. *Target: Africa.
17630 kHz: China Radio International, via Bamako, English, 14/01 1438. Political commentary by male and female voices. 35333. *Target: E Africa.
650 kHz: Radio Uno, Asunción, Spanish, 17/01 0402. Paraguayan song. 23522. *Live audio checked.
12070 kHz: FEBC Radio Liangyou 1, Iba, Chinese, 14/01 0024. Christian broadcast, comments by YL, prayer ‘Amen’, instrumental music. 25442. *Target: China.
17650 kHz: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Arabic, 14/01 1524. News by OM. 35543. *Target: N Africa
17575 kHz: BBC, Woofferton, English, 14/01 1512. BBC World Service, News, id, 25422. *Target: SE Asia.
5010 kHz: Radio Prague, via Okeechobee, Spanish, 15/11 0006. Comments by male and female voices on European aspects, mainly the Czech Republic. 25542. *Target: C America.
13845 kHz: WWCR.Nashville, English, 13/11 2238. Preaching by OM. 35553. *Target: USA.
17525 kHz: WMLK, Bethel, English, 13/11 2140. Christian preaching by male voice. 35553. *Target: USA. 
*** Psalm 90:1 “God, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations”. 
73 & good DX, rg 


#12 Video / Audio: 990 kHz Radio 990 AM, Formosa ARGENTINA (2017)

990 kHz: Radio 990 AM, Formosa ARGENTINA
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm 
RECEIVER: Icom IC-R75, PA0RDT MiniWhip Antenna 

#63 QSL-card: 9275 kHz Liangyou Radio (FEBC), Bocaue PHILIPPINES (2020)

STATION: Liangyou Radio (via FEBC), Bocaue PHILIPPINES 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, February 20, 2020 - 1015 UTC
RECEIVER: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo BRAZIL), Magnetic Loop Antenna
QSL-Card received after 100 days. 

Logs: January 19, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 19, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 9860. Sun, Jan 19, 2025. 0124-0130, Akashvani-All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, in Sindhi. A musical space; 0129 Man talks and a music; 0130 Man talking, says ID, ending program. Fair reception: 35533. 
** 11810. Sun, Jan 19, 2025. 0132-0145, KBS World Radio, Gimje-KOR, in Japanese. Man announcer talking; 0137 Man talking w/ pieces of song; 0142 Woman participates too. Poor reception: 35422.
** 15110. Sun, Jan 19, 2025. 0105-0123, Radio Free Asia, USAGM Tinang-PHL, in Burmese. Woman and man announcers present a newsletter w/ news reporter collaborators; A conversation between them; 0115 Woman talking and next a RFA ID jingle by man voice; 0116 Woman communication continues; 0120 Man participates too. Good reception: 45544.
** 7325. Sun, Jan 19, 2025. 0148-0157, Radio Romania International, Galbeni-ROU, in English. Man announcer in conversation w/ other man; 0151 Woman talks and a folk song; 0155 Woman says ID and RRI B24 sked in english, website and and POBox; 0156 IS. Fair reception: 35533.
** 15245. Sun, Jan 19, 2025. 0047-0103, Radio Free Asia, Paochung-TWN, in Burmese. Woman/man announcers talking news, w/ a fast music pause between news; A conversation with a woman about Israel vs Gaza agreement and more news by man; 0059 Woman talks and a RFA Station ID jingle; 0100 Burmese edition continues w/ news by woman announcer. Good reception: 45544. Parallel logs on 15110, Tinang-PHL, 45544 and 7515, Dushanbe-TJK, barely audible reception.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX 

Stations heard in Friol, NW of Spain - Manuel Méndez - January 18, 2025

Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Spain

Log in Friol, NW of Spain
Sangean ATS 909X, Tecsun PL-880, cable antenna, 8 meters

ALASKA, 6075, KNLS, Anchor Point, *0800-0814, 16-01, interval signal, English, id. “… New Life Station…”, religious comments. 14422.

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0631-0655, 16-01, Brazilian songs. Strong teletype QRM. 21421.

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, 2045-2113, 15-01, Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs, id. “Rede Inconfidencia de Radio”, “Inconfidencia”. 25422.
Also heard 0550-0623, 16-01, Brazilian songs, program “Memoria Nacional”, comments, id. “Inconfidencia”. 25422.
Also 2112-2126, 17-01, with program “A Hora do Fazendeiro”. 15422.

6150, Radio Saturno, Belo Horizonte, 0541-0631, 16-01, pop songs in English, oldies, Brazilian songs, id. “Radio Saturno”. 25422.
Also 0608-0627, 18-01, Brazilian songs. 15422.

6180, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2111-2128, 15-01, Portuguese, comments. // 11780. 25422.

9818.6, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 2012-2017, 15-01, religious comments and songs. 15422.

11750, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 1952-2015, 17-01, religious comments and songs, id. at 2001 “...Radio Voz Missonaria, cinco horas e um ninuto”, more religious songs. 35433.
Also heard 0723-0746, 18-01, religious songs, comments. 25422.
5940 and 9665, checked 17 and 18-01, no signal, seems to be out of the air those days.

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2009-2130, 15-01, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, id. “Radio Nacional da Amazonia”. 35433.

CANADA, 6070, CFRX, Toronto, 0811-0833, 18-01, English, comments, news. Strong QRM from Channel 292 on the same frequency. 21421.

CUBA, 5025, Radio Rebelde, Bauta, 0550- , 18-01, Spanish, news, weather report, at 0600 program “A Esta Hora”, Cuban music and songs, “Habaneras”, id. “Radio Rebelde”. 35333.

5970, Radio 208, Hvidovre, 2001-2027, 15-01, rock songs in English. 25422.

15700, World Music Radio, Randers, 1801- , 17-01, songs in English, Latin American songs, id. “World Music Radio”. 35433.

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0421-0428, 18-01, Spanish, religious comments. 25422.

6030, Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 1751-1824, 15-01, Vernacular, comments, East African songs. 14422.

6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1801-1812, 15-01, Vernacular, comments. 25422.

INDONESIA, 4755, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, 1911-2009, 15-01, Indonesian songs, English, comments, at 2000 French program. 15422.
Also heard 2003-2018, 17-01, French, female, news, comments, Indonesian songs. 25422.

6055, Radio Nikkei 1, Chiba Nagara, 0804-0816, 16-01, Japanese, talks. 15421.

6115, Radio Nikkei 2, Chiba Nagara, 0741-0806, 16-01, pop songs in Japanese and English, comments, Japanese, female, male, songs in English. 25422.
Also heard 0751-0800*, 18-01, Japanese, comments. 15421.

KOREA South, 4885, Echo of Hope, Seoul, 1902-1914, 16-01, Korean, comments. 25322.

LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0600-0719, 16-01, open with African song, English, religious comments, male, female, songs. 25422.
Also *0604-0623, 18-01, open with religious comment in English. 25422.

5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0559-0633, 18-01, open with African song, at 0600 French, id. “La Radiofiusion TV du Mali emettan de Bamako”, program “Au Chant du Coq”, Vernacular, news, comments, African songs. 45444.

9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1744-1759*, 17-01, Vernacular, comments, interval signal and close on this frequency. 34433.

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0553-0725, 16-01, songs, Spanish, comments, music, id. “La onda corta de Radio Educación…”. 25422.
Also heard 0551-0810, 18-10, Mexican songs, songs in English, music. 25422.

MONGOLIA, 12085, Voice of Mongolia, Ulan Baatar, *0900-0914, 18-01, interval signal, English, female, id. “Welcome to the Voice of Mongolia in English”, news, comments, Mongolian songs.

5955, Radio Veronica, Westdorpe, 0548-0623, 18-01, pop songs, Dutch, comments, id. “Radio Veronica”. 35433.

6040, Magic AM (pirate), 0819-0845, 18-01, English, comments, pop songs in English, oldies. 25422.

6130, Radio Europe, Alphen, 1933-1955, 17-01, songs in English, oldies, id. “This is Radio Europe, shortwave”. 35433.

6140, Radio Onda, Boculo, 0740-0811, 18-01, music, id. “Radio Onda”, pop songs in English, oldies. 25422.

6170, Radio Delta International, Elburg, 0722-0756, 18-01, Dutch music, English, comments, songs, id. “From The Netherlands, Radio Deltal...”. 35433.

NORWAY, 5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 1737-1850, 15-01, pop songs in English, oldies, English, Norwegian, religious songs. 25422.
Also heard 1754-1922, 17-01, pop songs, at 1800 id. “… Radio Northern Star”, comments, songs in English, oldies. 25422.

TAJIKISTAN, 4765, Tajik Radio, Dushanbe, 1944-2000*, 15-01, Tajik, comments and songs. Very weak. 15421.

4905, Xizang RTV, Lhasa, Tibet, 1742-1753, 17-01, Tibetan, comments. 25422.

7385, Xizang RTV, Lhasa, Tibet, 1604-1625, 17-01, English, comments about Tibet, Tibetan songs. 24422.

USA, 9265, WINB, Red Lion, Pennsylvania, 2038-2049, 17-01, English, religious comments. 35433.

VANUATU, 9960, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0610-0658*, 16-01, English, female, comments, Island songs, more comments, id. “Radio Vanuatu”, songs in English, comments by male and female. 24422.
Also heard 0616-0658, 18-01, Bislama, English, female, comments. 24422.

VENEZUELA, 4940, Onda Corta 4940, 0551-0634, 16-01, Spanish, religious comments and songs. 25422.
Also heard 0448-0537, 18-01, religious comments and songs in Spanish. 15422.

ZAMBIA, 4965, Voice of Hope Africa, Lusaka, 1820-1907, 17-01, English, religious comments and songs. 25422. 

#11 Video / Audio: 15476 kHz Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza ANTARCTICA (2016)

15476 kHz: Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza ANTARCTICA
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm
RECEIVER: Icom IC-R75, AOR LA-400 Magnetic Loop Antenna (indoor)

#62 QSL-card: 7115 kHz RFE/Radio Liberty, via Lampertheim GERMANY (2007)

STATION: RFE/Radio Liberty, via Lampertheim GERMANY 
FREQUENCY: 7115 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, June 8, 2007 - 0415 UTC
RECEIVER: Kenwood R-1000, 6 m Lightweight Aluminum Telescopic Antenna 
QSL-card received after 40 days 

Logs: January 17-18, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 17-18, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 9655. Sat, Jan 18, 2025. 2041-2050, KBS World Radio, Ascension Island-ASC, in French. Man talking news, says about Israel vs Gaza agreement; 2043 Now, a musical space; 2048 Returns man communication. Good reception: 45544.
** 1070. Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 2310-2320, Difusora Radio Cajazeiras, Cajazeiras-PB, in Portuguese. Man announcer and collaborators present a musical program, news and entertainment; ID. Fair reception: 35533.
** 1470. Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 0102-0110, Radio Rural de Parelhas, Parelhas-RN, in Portuguese. Commercial announcements by man/woman announcers; ID and music. Fair reception: 35533.
** 1470. Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 2300-2310, Radio Rural de Parelhas, Parelhas-RN, in Portuguese. Station transmitting a Holy Mass w/ catholic chants. Fair reception: 35533.
** 1500. Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 2320-2330, Radio Jacuípe, Riachão do Jacuípe-BA, in Portuguese. Varied themes; Music; News in "Resenha Jacuípe"
presented by man announcer; He says local time and Station ID. Fair reception for thid first Station log: 35533.
** 15190. Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 0045-0100, Radio Inconfidência, Contagem-MG, in Portuguese. Man announcer presents a musical program "Flashback Inconfidência"; 0058 He says Callsign and Station ID. Belongs to Rede Inconfidência de Rádio. Poor reception: 25422. Note: Returns on-air after a long time out in my area.
** 15190. Fri, Jan 17, 2025. 2330-2340, Radio Inconfidência, Contagem-MG, in Portuguese. Man announcer and collaborators present a sport program w/ news of the football local, regional and brazilian championships; ID. Poor
reception: 35522.
** 6090. Sat, Jan 18, 2025. 2030-2040, KBS World Radio, Woofferton-G, in Arabic. Two women present a musical space with korean songs; Pop rock and other rhythms; A nice conversation between them; 2035 One more song and more...Fair reception: 45443.
** 7300. Sat, Jan 18, 2025. 2102-2115, Radio Akhbar Mufriha, Woofferton-G, in Tachelhit. Man announcer makes a preaching; 2111 A brief music and two ean talk, say ID, website, email and POBox; 2114 Woman repeats all addresses and says website letter-by-letter; 2115 Ending. Good reception: 45544.
** 12040. Sat, Jan 18, 2025. 2051-2200, NHK World Japan, Yamata-J, in Japanese. A song; Woman/man announcers talking, conversation, laughs; 2055 Woman talking; 2059 She says Station ID and more w/ music background; 2100 Pips and ending. Good reception: 45544. Distance from Cabedelo: 16,628km
** 7570. Sat, Jan 18, 2025. 2019-2029, Voice of Korea, Kujang-KRE, in French. Woman announcer presents a musical program. Poor reception: 25522. Parallel log on 12015kuj, 35533.
** 7605even. Sat, Jan 18, 2025. 2003-2017, Free North Korea Radio, Tashkent-UZB, in Korean. Man announcer preaching, presumably; Today, w/ several moments of excitement. Poor reception: 35422.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX

Logs: January 16, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 16, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 7305. Thu, Jan 16, 2025. 2001-2010, China Radio International, Urumqi-CHN, in Polish. Chinese music; 2005 Woman talking and music. No regular programming. Fair reception: 45533.
** 9525. Thu, Jan 16, 2025. 1941-1950, Adventist World Radio, Nauen-D, in Igbo. Man preaching; ID, website and address; 1943 A song by choir; 1946 Man preaching. Good reception: 45544.
** 9620. Thu, Jan 16, 2025. 1930-1940, Akashvani-All India Radio, Bengaluru-IND, in French. IS Station; Woman says ID; Indian music; 1930 Woman announcer talking news. Fair reception: 35533.
** 13630. Thu, Jan 16, 2025. 1951-1957, China Radio International, Bamako-MLI, in Portuguese. No regular programming, but the same recorded musical program, the same songs; 1955 Man says CRI B24 sked in portuguese w/ times, frequencies and target areas, with IS music background. Good reception: 45544.
** 7605. Thu, Jan 16, 2025. 2012-2022, Free North Korea Radio, Tashkent-UZB, in Korean. Woman and man announcers talking, alternately; 2020 A brief music and man talking. BA reception: 25511.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"

SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL 

DX Map Location HI22NX 


Logs: January 14 & 15, 2025 - José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo PB, BRAZIL

JRX Logs January 14 & 15, 2025
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire 10m
All times Universal Time
** 7265. Wed, Jan 15, 2025. 1950-2000, China Radio International, Urumqi-CHN, in Esperanto. Woman talking w/ pieces of songs; 1959 ID and music. Fair reception: 35533. Parallel log on 9745, Kashi/Kashgar, 35522.
** 7415. Wed, Jan 15, 2025. 1915-1935, China Radio International, Urumqi-CHN, in Czech. Man/woman announcers talking; 1928 Man says CRI sked in czech w/ IS background. Fair reception for this Part I czech edition; 1930 IS, ID and starts Part II czech program: 35533. Parallel log on 7325, Shijiazhuang, 35522, Part I czech edition. No Part II..
** 7435. Wed, Jan 15, 2025. 1936-1948, China Radio International, Xian-Xianyang-CHN, in Romanian. Woman talking w/ chinese music background; Man participating too; 1938 Woman/man talking, she says ID; They say about chinese themes. Fair reception: 35533. Parallel log on 6090, Urumqi, 35522.
** 9695. Wed, Jan 15, 2025. 1831-1840, China Radio International, Kunming-Anning-CHN, in Bulgarian. Man announcer presents a musical programming, only. Fair reception: 35533.
** 9695. Tue, Jan 14, 2025. 2215-2230, Radio Vaticana, USAGM Tinang-PHL, in Chinese/Mandarin. Man announcer talking news, presumed; 2226 A short music and man announcer talks; 2229 Woman talks, says Laudetur...; 2230 Ending, close carrier. Good reception: 45544.
** 9930. Tue, Jan 14, 2025. 2200-2213, WTWW, Lebanon-TN, in English. Man says ID, website and address; A brief woman communication; 2203 Man Pastor makes a preaching w/ people manifestation; Preaching with excitement moments. Good reception: 45544.
** 12075. Wed, Jan 15, 2025. 1844-1900, Voice of America, SMdiGaleria-CVA, in French. Man/woman announcers present news w/ participation of correspondents; ID: VOA Afrique, "The World Today" and more news, including about next Donald Trump´s inauguration on january 20; 1900 ID and news. Good reception: 45544.
JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)
Lat: S 6°58'48" / Long: W 34°49'48"
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
DX Map Location HI22NX 

#10 Video / Audio: 860 kHz Radio La Voz de la Cordillera, Caacupé PARAGUAY (2018)

860 kHz: Radio La Voz de la Cordillera, Caacupé PARAGUAY
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL / Rudolf Grimm
RECEIVER: KiwiSDR (São Bernardo), PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna

#61 QSL-card: 5810 kHz Radio Free Asia, via Tinian NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS (2007)

FREQUENCY: 5810 kHz 
RECEPTION IN: São Bernardo SP BRAZIL, November 9 - 2100 UTC
RECEIVER: Icom IC-R75, 20 m Horizontal Antenna
QSL-card received after 12 days. 

WORLDWIDE DX CLUB Top News #1604 - January 15, 2025

The latest edition (January 15, 2025) of the WORLDWIDE DX CLUB "Top News", compiled by Wolfgang Bueschel, has been posted: http://topnews.wwdxc.de 
It can also be downloaded as a txt file at: http://bcdx.wwdxc.de   .  
Best regards, 
Michael Bethge
Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
E-Mail: mail@wwdxc.de
Internet: http://www.wwdxc.de