. January 25, 2021
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm, PY2-81502 SWL
. Rx: Kenwood R-1000 + Quantum Loop V2.0
(indoor) + Potomac FL-31 filter . Brazilian stations: all in
Portuguese language . Times in UTC
820 kHz: Radio Nacional, Formosa, Spanish, 24/01 0132.
News and talk by male / female voices. ‘... gobierno de Argentina... Nacional’.
24532 (RG).
590 kHz: Radio Atlântica, Santos SP, 23/01 1550. Relaying
Radio Jovem Pan 620 kHz São Paulo. 35553 (RG).
670 kHz: Radio Convenção, Itu SP, 23/01 1545. Brazilian
song, ‘Convenção, a rádio de cada um...’. 35553 (RG).
730 kHz: Radio Marumby, Curitiba PR, 23/01 0212.
Christian songs, time checking, jingle ‘Marumby...’, male voice communication.
34533 (RG).
800 kHz: Radio Universidade de Santa Maria, Santa Maria
RS, 24/01 0158. ‘ZYK292, Radio Universidade de Santa Maria...’. Male voice
talk. 35443 (RG).
800 kHz: Radio MEC, Brasilia DF, 24/01 0202. Female
voice: ‘... MEC Brasilia’. 24532 (RG).
800 kHz: Radio MEC, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 24/01 0208.
Brazilian popular songs, ‘MEC (RJ)’. 35533 (RG). Not the same transmission as
MEC Brasilia.
800 kHz: Unid Brazilian station with Brazilian regional
songs. A fourth station heard on the same frequency for 1 or 2 minutes, just
the songs. 22522 (RG).
REMARK: As published in WRTH, there are only 4 Brazilian
stations at 800 kHz. It was possible to hear this fourth station, in addition
to the other 3 informed above. This 4th station presented a sequence of
Brazilian regional music. I presume (only presume!!! ) that it may have been
Radio Antares, Teresina PI. It had no similar characteristic to the listened
stations of Brasilia, Santa Maria and Rio de Janeiro (the loop rotation allowed
this immediate verification). And as I said, there are only 4 Brazilian stations
at 800 kHz today. In other frequencies researched over time we have found some
stations of the north / northeast Of Brazil occasionally: 1380 kHz Radio
Continental, Recife, and has been constantly the same situation with 860 kHz
Radio City, Fortaleza.
1290 kHz: Radio Brasil Sul, Londrina PR, 24/01 0244. Time
checking by YL, ‘Brasil Sul’. Brazilian songs. ‘ZYJ310 Radio Brasil Sul,
Londrina, Paraná, a mais potente emissora do interior do Paraná’. 35543 (RG).
1330 kHz: Radio Clube, Blumenau SC, 24/01 0232.
Jingle/id: ‘... a melhor programação está aqui, Radio Clube de Blumenau. 45554
(RG). A stupendous signal received from Radio Clube for several minutes!!!
1340 kHz: CBN, Porto Alegre RS, 24/01 0227. News
Bulletin, ‘CBN...’. Announcement abt another CBN-px ‘Momento do vinho...’.
34543 (RG).
1370 kHz: Radio Canção Nova, Curitiba PR, 23/01 0225.
Speaker, ‘... aqui pela Canção Nova...’. 35553 (RG).
1480 kHz: Radio Boituva, Boituva SP, 23/01 1555. Male
voice communication: ‘...para os ouvintes da
Radio Boituva...’. Brazilian song. 35553 (RG).
1530 kHz: Radio Nova Progresso, São Leopoldo RS, 24/01
0308. Brazilian song, id ‘Nova Progresso AM, 1530 kHz’. 34533 (RG).
1100 kHz: BBN Radio, via Viña del Mar, Spanish, 24/01
0105. Christian songs, male voice communication, ‘BBN’. 25432 (RG).
REMARK: Rx w/270° Az. Turning slightly from 270° Azimuth
to a 'north' position, there is an angular range with no station, zero signal.
Reaching 330° / 340° Azimuth, we find a new clear transmission from BBN Radio,
but with a lower signal than Viña del Mar. Antenna pointed at Colombia, there
is BBN Radio from Bogotá, at the same frequency as the Chilean broadcast. It is
no longer to the first time we have been able with this simple technique using
the Quantum Loop V2.0 Antenna, with a same result. Gustavo Guaita (Antonio
Carlos SC), and Denis Zoqbi (São Paulo) had enjoyed the same experience /
1100 kHz: BBN Radio, via Bogotá (pres.), Spanish, 24/01
0112. Christian songs, male voice communication. The same program as the same
station from Chile (see above, please).
REMARK: Turning slightly the direction of the 330° / 340°
Azimuth antenna westward, no other station found up to 270° Az, a full silence
track. In this second angle, back to BBN Radio, Viña del Mar, at 1100 kHz, with
a slightly higher signal strength than found in the Colombian transmission.
73, and good DX, rg.